Friday, August 31, 2012

“The Incredible Hulk”…

5 Deadlifts
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Push Press
5 Back Squat
(Mens Rx 115lbs/ Women’s 70lbs)

9 rounds plus 24 reps @ 95#

Thursday, August 30, 2012

“Traffic Jam”…

10 Overhead Squats (95)
20 Wall Balls (20)
30  Push Ups
40 Toes-to-Bar
30 Waiter Lunge (45)
20 Abmat Sit Ups
10 Kettlebell Snatches (53) 5L & 5R

9:55 Rx

OHS felt good for the first time in a while!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


1000M Run
30 Back Extensions
1000M Row
11:29 Rx

Goat WOD for me. Good to work endurance. I need to work on my running during WODs.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

"J. T."...

 21-15-9 of:

Handstand Push Ups

Ring Dips

Push Ups

12:29 Rx (24 second PR) 

Round 1 took me 2:30 and did HSPUs unbroken. Imploded after that. Next time I need to break up the HSPUs.

In honor of Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor of Little Creek, VA. JT was was killed in Afghanistan on June 28, 2005 at the age of 30. Taylor’s SEAL teammates remember him as “an extremely strong leader who knew how to get the job done. He was known as a serious, yet lighthearted person.”
"My husband was a warrior and a man who believed his purpose in life was to defend the freedoms that each of us enjoy today."-  Erin Taylor

Friday, August 24, 2012

"Flux Capacitor"...

600M Run
60 Air Squats
400M Run
40 Air Squats
200M Run
20 Air Squats
9:40 Rx

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"Bee Sting"...

21 Kettlebell Swings (70)
30 Double Unders
15 Kettlebell Swings (70)
30 Double Unders
9 Kettlebell Swings (70)
30 Double Unders

21:27 Rx

NOT A MISPRINT! Double Unders were non-existent today. I got 8 consecutive to finish but it was an exercise in frustration.

Can't wait to do this one again after I kill the goat!

Monday, August 20, 2012

"Pinball Wizard"...

One Round for Time:
800M Run
25 Squat Cleans (65)
25 Pull Ups
7:25 Rx

Got 19 consecutive Double Unders during warm ups! Single-Double but whatever.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

"The Empire"...

 8 Rounds For Time:

1.5 "Legless" Rope Climbs @ 13ft (up the rope/down halfway/back up)

12 Hand Release Push Ups

10:15 Rx

* Hand Release Push Ups were a bitch after a few rounds...worse than the rope climbs!

Cash Out:  Double Under Practice

Saturday, August 18, 2012

OTM 15: Snatch & OHS...

On the top of the minute for 15 Minutes
3 Barbell Snatch immediately into 3 Overhead Squats
* Warm up to see starting weight.  All 6 movements should be completed in 30 seconds or less. This is more about Snatch/OHS practice than weight on the bar.
75# Rx

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

"Fools Gold"...

500M Row
Then immediately:
3 RFT:
10 HSPUs
20 Abmat Sit Ups
6:11 Rx (1:41 row - 6 second off PR)

Cash Out: 50 Double Unders

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Clean Complex - "On the Minute"...

Hang Power Clean 7 x 2 On the Minute

Power Clean 7 x 2 On the Minute

Squat Clean 7 x 2 On the Minute

Hang Cleans - 95x2, 100x2, 105x2, 110x2, 115x2, 120x2, 125x2
Power Cleans - 130x2, 135x2, 140x2, 145x2, 150x2, 155x2, 160x2
Squat Cleans - 165x2, 170x2, 175x2, 180x2, 185x2, 190x2, 195x1 (failed twice)

195x1 is a 10# PR after 40 reps! Pretty happy. LOVED that WOD! 

Monday, August 13, 2012

"Monopoly Money"...


10 Ring Dips

20 Kettlebell Swings (53)

30 Double Unders

2 rounds plus 41 reps

* double under Chinese Water Torture

Sunday, August 12, 2012

"Death by Toes-to-Bar & Push Up"...

11 rounds plus 11 reps
77 T2B & 66 Push Ups

Saturday, August 11, 2012

‎"Rope Burns"...

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Double Unders
Box Jumps (30)
12:15 Rx

* Pretty happy since it took me 16 minutes to get 60 double unders last Sunday. The work seems to be paying off. I am doing them single-double but at least I am stringing 7-8 together.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Four Rounds for Time:

300M Row

3 Rope Climbs

10 Snatches

17:48 Rx

Cash Out: 50 Double Unders


WOD # 2: "Death by Power Snatch"

Minute 1 -1 Power Snatch (95)

Minute 2 -2 Power Snatches

Minute 3 -3 Power Snatches

…until you run out of time or tap out

9 rounds + 8 reps

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


In honor of Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy,

who was killed Sunday February 4th during

combat operations in Iraq.

Nate is survived by his wife, Mindi, and his

infant son Parker.


* 2 Muscle Ups

* 4 Handstand Push Ups

* 8 Kettlebell Swings (70)

13 rounds Rx

(PR of 2 rounds plus 13 reps)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

"The Albany Crippler"...

10 Ground to OH (135/95) can be snatch or C&J

20 Strict HSPUs

30 C2B Pull Ups

40 Burpees

50 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

60 Double Unders

* after each movement you have to run the length of the gym and back (100 ft total) before going on to the next movement EXCEPT on the last one.


(subbed double KB snatch with 44# bells for Ground to Overhead. Double Unders took me 16 miutes....FUCK!)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

“31 Heroes”...


8 Thrusters (155)

6  Rope Climbs  (15 feet)

11 Box Jumps  (30)

4 rounds plus 8 reps (I did 45# DB Thrusters) 4 roinds plus

This is a Partner WOD – Partner #1 will perform the work listed above. Partner #2 will run 400m with a sandbag (45/25). Once Partner #2 returns from the run, Partner #1 will grab the sandbag and begin their 400m, while Partner #2 continues work wherever #1 left off.

Score is your total # of reps

This WOD was created specifically to honor the 30 men and one dog that gave their lives for our country on August 6, 2011. It is 31 minutes long—one minute in remembrance of each hero. The rep scheme is 8-6-11—the date of their ultimate sacrifice. Finally, this is a partner WOD. The men who gave their lives were from multiple branches of our military, working together as a team.  In the workout you and your team member will constantly be taking the load from each other providing much needed support and relief. We realize that no physical sacrifice made during a workout can come close to the sacrifice our brave heroes made, but we consider this WOD a CrossFitters ‘moment of silence’. This is how we can honor those that gave all in the name of freedom.