Wednesday, June 26, 2013

3x3 Deadlift & "Sizzurp"...

3x3 Deadlift 
315-365-415 (10# PR!)

15 Deadlifts (225)
50 Abmat Sit Ups
6:59Rx (18 second PR)

All reps unbroken. My abs are smoked!

Monday, June 24, 2013

5x3 Back Squat & 5x3 Push Jerk

5x3 Back Squat
280x3 (5# PR)

5x3 Push Jerk

* Very happy with 200# x 3 Jerk @ 155# body weight!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

"Sloshy Nancy"...

5 Rouds for Time:

400m Run

15 OHS (30# Slosh Pipe)


* "A slosh pipe is a 3-4″ diameter and 8-10′ long PVC pipe filled with water. Any deviation from completely centered sends a little bit of water, then a lotta bit of water, then the whole dang pipe full of water sloshing (get it?) to one side. Good luck keeping those obliques contracted. Even more luck to you trying to get back to centered only to have all the water slosh to the other side". - Girl Walks Into A Barbell

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

"Death by Deadlift"...

Minute 1 -1 Deadlift (bodyweight)
Minute 2 -2 Deadlifts
Minute 3 -3 Deadlifts
…until you run out of time or tap out

18 rounds + 14 reps - 185 reps @ 155# (body weight)

*PR of 2 rounds + 4 reps or 39 more reps from 7/7/12. CrossFit works!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

"The Chief"...

AMRAP 3 minutes of:

•3 pound Power cleans (135)

•6 Push-ups

•9 Squats

Complete 5 cycles with a 1 minute rest between cycles. Only full rounds count.

Cycle 1: 4 rounds
Cycle 2: 4 rounds
Cycle 3: 4 rounds
Cycle 4: 4 rounds
Cycle 5: 4 rounds

20 rounds Rx. (4 round PR!)

Need to get to 5 rounds in some of the cycles!

Saturday, June 15, 2013


200M Run

50 Abmat Sit Ups

400M Run

40 Abmat Sit Ups

600M Run 

30 Abmat Sit Ups

800M Run 

20 Abmat Sit Ups

16:57 Rx

Mental Victory: Abmat Sit Ups - Unbroken

Friday, June 14, 2013

"Raising Arizona"

3 RFT:
10 Pull Ups
15 Power Snatch (75)
20 OHS (75)

* 95# was Rx

Sunday, June 9, 2013

"Power Ball"
For time:
20 Deadlifts (95lbs)
20 Front Squats
20 Hang Power Cleans
20 Back Squats
20 Kettlebell Swings (53)

Plus: Every minute, on the minute: Drop whatever you're doing and do 4 burpees.

8:44 Rx

* Right shoulder is sore so I avoided overhead movements. I got the strcuture of this WOD from "The Air Force WOD".

 Here is the link to the original WOD: The Air Force WOD

Friday, June 7, 2013

OHS 5x1 & Box Squat 5x1...

OHS 5x1

Box Squats 5x1

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

"Three Position Clean"...

7x 3 reps of:

1 -  High Hang

2 - Above Knee

3 - The Floor

95-115-135-145-155-165-185 (F)

Got first rep at 185# (high hang) but missed hang clean. That was fun!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

1RM Turkish Get Up

106# (18# PR)

Attached is the video

"Penalty Box" & "Burner"...

"Penalty Box"

6 x 300 m Row

(partnered, do your burpees when you finish your partner goes
and you rest)

Penalties: Must keep strokes per minute at or below 25. Must keep 500m Pace below 2K pace. Must not stop or pause stroke. 3 burpees for each penalty.

Goal: 2:02 pace or lower
2 penalties (second round/for time)

rest 2 minutes then:

10 rounds for time of:
10 Kettlebell Snatches (35) 
10 Push Ups
9:17 Rx

*snatches are swing snatches and do not need to touch the round each rep

Monday, June 3, 2013

L-Sit, Double Under Practice, 2K Recovery Row...

L-Sit: 1:08 (11 second PR!)

Double Under Practice - I got 4 consecutive. I have a LONG way to go!

2K Row - 8:54 - more a recovery than anything else. Felt good!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Tough Mudder...

Not the Tough Mudder experience I had hoped for. 

Ate bar with raw almonds this morning before race (allergic) and egg protein (can't digest) 
Someone gave it to me and I did not read the ingredients. (Fabiana just reminded me that I always say never eat anything new before a race/competition)

Threw up before I even started and multiple times along course. Made it 5 miles before I felt like I was going to pass out.

Ended up getting two bags of fluid in the medical tent.

I went as far as I could. Wanted to finish. They said my blood pressure was 150/100. Very high. Apparently throwing up in 90 degree weather on a mountain obstacle course is not good for you.

The course was fun. Need to do it again! Already looking at a date this fall.

To cap it off...I didn't had one drop of coffee today.

Tough Mudder - 1
Rob - 0