Tuesday, June 30, 2015

300 Reps: Push, Pull & Squat...

100 One-arm KB Chest Press (50R/50L)
100 One-arm KB Rows (50R/50L)
100 Goblet Squats 
53lb bell. NOT for time. 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

100 Kettlebell Cleans...

100 Kettlebell Cleans (53)

50 Right / 50 Left

Saturday, June 27, 2015

C & P/Goblet Squat Ladders

C &P Left/C&P Right/Goblet Squat - 53lb bell

1x1 1 rep
2x1 2 reps
3x1 3 reps
4x1 4 reps
Repeat 2 times 

30 C & P left
30 C & P right
60 total 

30 Goblet Squats 

Friday, June 26, 2015

250 Kettlebell Swings...

250 Kettlebell Swings (53)

100 Push Ups 

NOT for time. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

800M Farmers Walk...

800M Farmers Walk - 2x53 - 17:27

Cash Out: 

30 One-arm KB Press (53) - 15 each side
30 Dips

Sunday, June 21, 2015

100 Kettlebell Swings @ 106lbs...

 Sometime short and heavy is exactly what the Dr. ordered...

Friday, June 19, 2015

The 10,000 Swing Kettlebell Workout - Day 9...

20 sets of 10 then

10 Swings
15 Swings
25 Swings
30 Swings 
20 Swings
3 times through

500 Swings (53) - 29:23 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

The 10,000 Swing Kettlebell Workout - Day 8...

10 Swings (53)
Weighted Dips 2 reps (44)
15 Swings
Weighted Dips 3 reps
25 Swings
Weighted Dips 5 reps
30 Swings
20 Swings
Rest 30-60 seconds; repeat 4 more times.

500 Swings & 50 Weighted Dips (53)

37:20 - PR of 5:42 & 9lbs heavier on the dips. This shit works! 

Max HR - 170
Avg HR - 134

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The 10,000 Swing Kettlebell Workout - Day 7...

10 Swings (53)

Upright Row 2 reps (53)

15 Swings

Upright Row 3 reps

25 Swings

Upright Row 5 reps

30 Swings

20 Swings

Rest 30-60 seconds; repeat 4 more times. 

500 Swings & 50 KB Upright Rows

32:04 (Fastest Time Yet!) 

129 Avg HR

159 Max HR

Sunday, June 14, 2015

The 10,000 Swing Kettlebell Workout - Day 6...

10 Swings (53)
Ring Push Ups 2 reps
15 Swings
Ring Push Ups 3 reps
25 Swing
Ring Push Ups5 reps
30 Swings
20 Swings
Repeat 4 more times.
32:44 - Fastest Time Yet!
500 Swings & 50 Ring Push Ups

Friday, June 12, 2015

The 10,000 Swing Kettlebell Workout - Day 5...

10 Swings (53)
Strict HSPUs 2 reps
15 Swings
Strict HSPUs 3 reps
25 Swings
Strict HSPUs 5 reps
30 Swings
20 Swings
Repeat  4 more times.

38:59. About 27 minutes faster than last time with HSPUs but previously I took my time. 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

The 10,000 KB Swing Workout - Day 4....

10 Swings (53)
Weighted Dips 2 reps - 35lbs
15 Swings
Weighted Dips 3 reps
25 Swings
Weighted Dips 5 reps
50 Swings
Rest 30-60 seconds; repeat 4 more times.

500 Swings & 50 Weighted Dips (35)
43:02 (8:06 PR plus I added 35# to the dips this time. Bodyweight last time!)

Sunday, June 7, 2015

10-8-4-2 Deadlift & "Clean & Burpee Complex"...

10-8-4-2 Deadlift 

"Clean & Burpee Complex"
AMRAP 30 seconds
5 Hang Power Cleans(135) then Max Burpees Over Bar in remaining time (6 reps)
Rest 1 Minute
AMRAP 45 seconds
5 Hang Power Cleans (135) then Max Burpees over Bar in remaining time (9 reps)
Rest 1:30
AMRAP 1 minute
5 Hang Power Cleans (135) then Max Burpees over bar in remaining time (13 reps)

Rest 3 Minutes 

AMRAP 30 seconds
3 Power Cleans (155) then Max Burpees Over Bar in remaining time (7 reps)
Rest 1 Minute
AMRAP 45 seconds
3 Power Cleans (155) then Max Burpees over Bar in remaining time (11 reps)
Rest 1:30
AMRAP 1 minute
3g Power Cleans (155) then Max Burpees over bar in remaining time (15 reps)

Rest 3 Minutes

AMRAP 30 seconds
3 Power Cleans(185) then Max Burpees Over Bar in remaining time (6 reps)
Rest 1 Minute
AMRAP 45 seconds
3 Power Cleans (185) then Max Burpees over Bar in remaining time (10 reps)
Rest 1:30
AMRAP 1 minute
3 Power Cleans (185) then Max Burpees over bar in remaining time (14 reps)

15 Hang Power Cleans (135) & 28 Burpees
9 Power Cleans (155) & 33 Burpees
9 Power Cleans (185) & 30 Burpees

Saturday, June 6, 2015

5 Mile Hike...

Active rest. 5 mile hike with 10lb pack. 116 avg/ BPM. 615 calories burned.

Friday, June 5, 2015

The 10,000 Swing Kettlebell Workout - Day 3...

10 Swings (70)
Strict C2B Pull Ups 2 reps
15 Swings
Strict C2B Pull Ups 3 reps
25 Swings
 Strict C2B Pull Ups 5 reps
30 Swings 
20 Swings 
Repeat 4 more times. 

500 Swings & 50 C2B Pull Ups - 63:03. Grip is shot! 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

10,000 Swing Kettlebell Workout - Day 2...

10 Swings (53)
Strict HSPUs 2 reps
15 Swings
Strict HSPUs 3 reps
25 Swings
Strict HSPUs 5 reps
50 Swings
Repeat  4 more times. 

500 Swings & 50 Strict HSPUs
Hands are junk. Took my time. 1:06:19 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The 10,000 Swing Kettlebell Workout - Day 1...

10 Swings (53)

Dips 2 reps

15 Swings

Dips 3 reps

25 Swings

Dips 5 reps

50 Swings

Rest 30-60 seconds; repeat 4 more times. 

500 Swings & 30 Dips

Monday, June 1, 2015

200 Russian Kettlebell Swings...

200 Russian Kettlebell Swings (35) 
Cash Out - 100m overheard walk - 35lb Slosh Pipe