Monday, August 29, 2016

Shoulders/Traps Tri Sets...

1A - Hammer SP - 6 reps @ 175lbs
1B - Bent Over Raise - 12 reps @ 25lbs
1C - Machine Seated Press - 25 reps @ 60lbs

2A - Overhead Shrugs - 6 reps @ 115lbs
2B - KB Upright Row - 12 Reps @ 70lbs
2C - Dumbbell Shrugs - 25 reps @ 50lbs

Saturday, August 27, 2016

"Bar Muscle-Up Lynne"...

Rounds For Max Reps:

Hammer Strength Bench Press, Bodyweight (160)
Bar Muscle Ups
BP - 20-15-13-13-14 - 75 reps
MU - 8-7-6-5-6 - 32 reps 

*rest as needed between sets and movements. Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Slosh Pipe Carry...

35lb pipe
1.16 miles
Avg HR - 126
Max HR - 138

Cash Out:
Archer Pull-Ups

Arms - Tri Sets...

3 sets
1A - Chin Up - 6 reps @ 25lbs
1B - EZ Bar Curl - 12 reps @ 60lbs
1C - Cable Rope Curl - 25 reps @ 60lbs

2A - Dips - 6 reps @ 40lbs
2B - EZ Bar Tri Ext - 12 reps @ 50lbs
2C - Cable Rope Press-down @ 75lbs

Cash Out: Diamond Push Ups - 5x10 - 50 reps

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

"Farmers Shuffle"

Two 26lb Kettlebells 
Run/walk - 1.61 miles 
Max HR - 158
Avg HR - 134

Zercher Squats...

49 reps @ 155lbs

Sunday, August 21, 2016

1 Mile Kettlebell Run...

"Ran" a mile with two 53lb Kettlebells. Broke it into about 50 meters increments. 

Run, Shake it out, run
Wash, rinse, repeat. 
I feel great after that! 

Shoulders/Traps Tri Sets...

1A - Hammer SP - 6 reps @ 170lbs
1B - Bent Over Raise - 12 reps @ 20lbs
1C - Machine Seated Press - 25 reps @ 50lbs

2A - Hammer Shrugs - 6 reps @ 450lbs
2B - KB Upright Row - 12 Reps @ 70lbs
2C - Overhead Plate Raise - 25 reps @ 25lbs

I finished with - Zercher Squat 275 x 1

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Chest/Back Tri Sets...

1A - Hammer Strength BP - 6 reps @ 225lbs
1B - Incline BP Machine - 12 reps @ 150lbs
1C - Pec Fly - 25 reps @ 75lbs

2A - Smith Machine Row/Pull - 6 reps @ 160lbs
2B - Pull Ups - 12 reps 
3B - Cable Row - 25 reps @ 105lbs x 1/Pull Down - 25 reps @ 75lbs x2 

Finished with:
Zercher Squat - 205x1

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Arms - Tri Sets...

3 sets
1A - Chin Up - 6 reps 
1B - EZ Bar Curl - 12 reps @ 50lbs
1C - Cable Rope Curl - 25 reps @ 50lbs

2A - Dips - 6 reps
2B - EZ Bar Tri Ext - 12 reps @ 40lbs
2C - Cable Rope Press-down @ 70lbs

Zercher Squats...

49 reps @ 135lbs.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Shoulders/Traps - 49 Rep Pyramids...

Hammer Strength SP 
165lbs: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7
130lbs: 6-5-4-3-2-1

DB Rear Lateral Raise @ 25lbs

Hammer Strength Shrugs - 3x8!@ 430lbs
KB Upright Row - 3x8 @ 70lbs
Overhead Plate Raise - 3x8 @ 45lbs

Decided to back off a bit after getting dehydrated yesterday at the Spartan Super. 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Boston Spartan Super...

Took a DNF today. Made it 5.75 miles, over 20 obstacles and did 100 plus burpees. The heat got to me and I got dehydrated and had possible heat exhaustion. I did the smart thing and pulled the plug. Live to fight another day.

Saturday, August 13, 2016


I am doing the Spartan Super tomorrow (about 8 miles) but wanted to move at an easy pace today to get the blood flowing.     

1 mile run
50 t2b
1 mile run 
50 box jumps (24)
1 mile run

Deload -Chest/Back...

Bench Press @ 135lbs
Barbell High Pull @ 75lbs
49 reps of each 

Friday, August 12, 2016

Deload -Arms...

Barbell Curls @ 55lbs
Close Grip Bench Press @ 95lbs
49 reps each 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Deload - Romanian Deadlift...


49 reps @ 135lbs

Sunday, August 7, 2016


DB Overhead Lateral Raise @ 20lbs
DB Rear Lateral Raise @ 20lbs 

Hammer Strength Shrugs - 4x8 @ 410lbs
then: 360x7, 270x6, 280x5
KB Upright Row - 4x8 @ 70lbs 
then: 50x7, 40x6, 40x5

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Strict 'Nicole'...

For Total Reps: AMRAP 20

400m Run
Max Strict Pull-ups
* one rep more in one round less than last time. I need to work on my running!

Cash Out- Plyometric Push-Up Pyramid with 20lb vest - 100 reps 

Friday, August 5, 2016

Deadlift 3-3-3-3 and ''Eagle EYE''...

Deadlift 3-3-3-3
*reset between reps

*First time over 400 in over two years! And for three reps! 

Eagle Eye
10 Strict Ring Dips
5 Deadlifts (185)
10 Strict Handstand Push-ups
5 Deadlifts (185)
3 Rounds plus 15 reps

Arm Pyramids..

The wrong-way pullover  - 55lbs

Barbell Curl - 75lbs

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 - 64 reps

Cash Out: 21's: 55lbs x 1, 45lbs x 1, 35lbs x 1, 25lbs x 1, 15lbs x 1 - 105 reps

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Romanian Deadlift Pyramid...

Wanted to work my hamstrings. 

100 reps @ 245lbs. Hams, traps and grip are fried! At the end the limiting factor was my grip. 24,500lbs lifted.