Tuesday, January 31, 2017

High Rep Heavy Density Training - Legs...

Cybex Back Squat - 3x8-7-5 @ 190lbs

GHD Raises - 3x8-7-5 @ 35lbs
Calf Raises - 2x15-15-15 @ 210lbs
One-leg KB Deadlift - 2x8-7-5 @ 2x20kg (44lbs)

Cash Out: Romainian Deadlift - 2x5 @ 225lbs

Monday, January 30, 2017

Kettlebell Double Cleans, Swings and GHD Sit Ups...

Kettlebell Double Cleans - 24kg - 5x10 - 50 reps

Kettlebell Swings - 24kg - 40x10 - 400 reps
* Walk one lap around the gym after every set of swings.

GHD Sit Ups - 50x10 - 50 reps

500 total reps in 1:09:16 min
128 bpm avg
606 cals 

Sunday, January 29, 2017

High Rep Heavy Density Training - Shoulders/Traps...

Pure Strength SP - 3x8-7-5 @140lbs

Bent-Over Raises - 3x8-7-5 @ 40lbs
Barbell Shrugs - 1x8-7-5 @ 315lbs/Dumbbell Shrugs 2x8-7-5 @ 115lbs
Dumbbell Upright Row - 3x8-7-5 @ 55lbs 

Cash Out: 
Kettlebell Iron Cross - 3x10  @14kg (30lbs)
Overhead Plate Raise - 3x10 @ 45lbs

Saturday, January 28, 2017


5 Rounds For Max Reps
Bench Press, Bodyweight (155)
Strict Pull-ups

PU - 16-16-16-16-16 - 80 -  10 rep PR

*rest as needed between sets and movements. Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.

TWO PR's In one workout! What torn pec? dr. Sean Rockett is a freakin' genius. #prcity #bionicman #fufathertime

Friday, January 27, 2017

Double Kettlebell Cleans /High Rep Heavy Density Training - Arms

Barbell Curls - 3x8-7-5 - 90lbs - 60 reps 

Dips - 3x8-7-5 - 30lbs

Hammer Curls - 2x8-7-5 - 50lbs - immediately followed by 45x1, 40x2, 35x3, 30x4, 25x5

Rope Push Downs - 3x8-7-5 - 62.5lbs - 60 rep

* Using a 1-0-4 tempo

Cash Out: 
* One-repetition chin up (underhand) - goal is 30 seconds up and 30 seconds down @ 10lbs followed by,
Barbell Curl - 1x12 - 65lbs then two negatives for 8 seconds
* rest 30 seconds then,
One-repetition dip - goal is 30 seconds up and 30 seconds down @ 10lbs followed by,
* Dumbbell Triceps Extension -  1x12 - 50lbs  then two negatives for 8 seconds
Double Kettlebell Cleans - 6x5 - 28kgs - 132lbs

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

High Rep Heavy Density Training - Legs...

Cybex Back Squat - 3x8-7-5 @ 180lbs

GHD Raises - 3x8-7-5 @ 25lbs
Calf Raises - 2x8-7-5 @ 200lbs
One-leg KB Deadlift - 2x8-7-5 @ 2x18kg (40lbs)

Cash Out: Double KB Cleans - 5x10 @ 18kg each (80lbs)

Monday, January 23, 2017

''Purple Haze''...

For Total Time

500m row
21 Power Cleans 135
-rest 5 minutes-
750m row
15 Power Cleans 165
-rest 5 minutes-
1000m row
9 Power Cleans 185

* attempted 205 last round but no dice 
* Rx was 135/165/205

Got bodyfat tested -
weight - 153.9lbs
lean body mass - 138.7lbs
body fat mass - 15.2lbs
body fat % - 9.9%

lost 3.7lbs of fat
gained 1.6lbs of muscle
total weight loss of 2.1lbs
lost 2.3% of body fat in two weeks - 1/9 - 1/23

Sunday, January 22, 2017

High Rep Heavy Density Training - Shoulders/Traps

Pure Strength SP - 3x8-7-5 @135lbs

Bent-Over Raises - 3x8-7-5 @ 35lbs
Barbell Shrugs - 3x8-7-5 @ 305lbs
Dumbbell Upright Row - 3x8-7-5 @ 50lbs 

Cash Out: 
Kettlebell Iron Cross - 2x10 - 12kg (26lbs)

Saturday, January 21, 2017

High Rep Heavy Density Training - Back & Chest...

I Pure Strength BP - 170lbs - 3x8-7-5

BTN Pull Up - 12.5lbs  - 3x8-7-5
Incline DB Bench Press - 60lbs - 2x8-7-5
Cable Row - 120lbs - 2x15

Cash Out - 
Renegade Rows - 24kgs (53lbs) - 10x5
Dip, negative only -  25lbs - goal is 30 seconds 
Chin Up, negative only - 25lbs - goal is 30 seconds

Friday, January 20, 2017

Double Kettlebell Cleans /High Rep Heavy Density Training - Arms

Barbell Curls - 3x8-7-5 - 85lbs - 60 reps 

Rope Push Downs - 3x8-7-5 - 57.5lbs - 60 reps 

Dips - 3x8-7-5 - 25lbs

Hammer Curls - 2x8-7-5 - 45lbs

* Using a 1-0-4 tempo

Cash Out: 
* One-repetition chin up (underhand) - goal is 30 seconds up and 30 seconds down @ 2.5lbs followed by,
Barbell Curl - 1x12 - 60lbs then two negatives for 8 seconds
* rest 30 seconds then,
One-repetition dip - goal is 30 seconds up and 30 seconds down @ 2.5lbs followed by,
* Dumbbell Triceps Extension -  1x12 - 50lbs  then two negatives for 8 seconds
Double Kettlebell Cleans - 5x5 - 28kgs - 132lbs

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Kettlebell High Rep Heavy Density Training - Legs...

Double KB Front Squat - 3x8-7-5 @ 18kg each (80lbs)

GHD Raises - 3x8-7-5 @ 10lbs
Calf Raises - 2x8-7-5 @ 190lbs
One-leg KB Deadlift - 2x8-7-5 @ 12kg (26lbs)

I plan on adding significant weight to these lifts each week. 

Cash Out: Double KB Front Squat 2x5 @ 32kg each (140lbs)

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Rest Day - 5 Mile Walk...

Fast-paced 5 mile walk this morning at 6 AM. The day is all down from here. "A vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world". - Paul Dudley White 

Sunday, January 15, 2017

One mile farmers walk...

Two 53 pound kettlebells - 106 pounds total. 38:16. Note to self: you can always do more.

High Rep Heavy Density Training - Shoulders/Traps

Pure Strength SP - 3x8-7-5 @130lbs
Bent-Over Raises - 3x8-7-5 @ 30lbs
Dumbell Shrugs - 3x8-7-5 @ 100lbs
Dumbbell Upright Row - 3x8-7-5 @ 45lbs 

Cash Out: 
Bent-Over Raises - 1x12 - 22.5lbs
front Raises - 1x12 - 22.5lbs
Standing Overhead Barbell Press - 1x12 - 100lbs
rest 60 seconds, then
Seated Lateral Raises - 1X12 - 22.5lbs
Seated Press Behind Neck - 1x12 - 80lbs

Kettlebell Iron Cross - 2x10 - 14kg, 1x10 - 12kg

Saturday, January 14, 2017

High Rep Heavy Density Training - Back & Chest...

Pure Strength BP - 165lbs - 3x8-7-5

BTN Pull Up - 10lbs  - 3x8-7-5
Incline DB Bench Press - 55lbs - 2x8-7-5
Cable Row - 70lbs - 2x8-7-5

Cash Out - 
Dumbbell fly - 1x12 - 40lbs 
Incline Dumbbell fly - 1x12 - 30lbs
Decline Bench Press- 1x12 -95lbs
rest, then...
Bench Press - 1x12 -115lbs
Strait Arm Barbell Pullover - 1x12 - 35lbs
Dip, negative only - goal is 30 seconds 

BTN Pull Up - 1x12 - body weight
Bent Over row  - narrow underhand grip - 1x12 -80lbs
Bent Arm Pullover - 1x12 - 50lbs
Chin Up, negative only - goal is 30 seconds

Friday, January 13, 2017

High Rep Heavy Density Training - Arms...

Barbell Curls - 3x8-7-5 - 80lbs - 60 reps 

Rope Push Downs - 3x8-7-5 - 57.5lbs - 60 reps 

Dips - 3x8-7-5 @ bodyweight

Hammer Curls - 3x8-7-5 - 35lbs * after last set then: 30x1, 25x2, 20x3x 15x4, 10x5

Use a 1-0-4-0 tempo

Put simply, a 1-0-4-0 tempo is:
  • 1 second on the positive movement
  • 4 seconds on the negative movement
  • With 0 second pauses at the top and bottom

Cash Out: 
* One-repetition chin up (underhand) - goal is 30 seconds up and 30 seconds down. followed by,
Barbell Curl - 1x12 - 55lbs then two negatives for 8 seconds
* rest 30 seconds then,
One-repetition dip - goal is 30 seconds up and 30 seconds down. followed by,
* Dumbbell Triceps Extension -  1x12 - 45lbs  then two negatives for 8 seconds

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Back Squats...

Back Squats - 155lbs - 10x7 - 70 reps 

GHD Raises - 10x7 - 70 reps

Monday, January 9, 2017

''Coney Island''...

EMOM x 5: 1 Power Clean & Push Jerk 
Coney Island
For Time: 10 Rounds
10 Wallballs 14
3 Clean & Jerks 115
9 rounds even

*15 minute time cap
* rx was 15 WB @135 and 3 C&J @135 

Got bodyfat tested -
weight - 156lbs
lean body mass - 137.1lbs
body fat mass - 18.1lbs
body fat % - 12.2%

Sunday, January 8, 2017

High Rep Heavy Density Training - Shoulders/Traps

Pure Strength SP - 3x8-7-5 @125lbs
Bent-Over Raises - 3x8-7-5 @ 27.5lbs
Barbell Shrugs - 3x8-7-5 @ 295lbs
Dumbbell Upright Row - 3x8-7-5 @ 40bs 

Cash Out: 
Bent-Over Raises - 1x12 - 20lbs
front Raises - 1x12 - 20lbs
Standing Overhead Barbell Press - 1x12 - 95lbs
rest 60 seconds, then
Seated Lateral Raises - 1X12 - 20lbs
Seated Press Behind Neck - 1x12 - 75lbs

OH Plate Raise - 3x15 @ 25lbs
* finish with 30 reps (seated) @ 10lbs

Saturday, January 7, 2017

High Rep Heavy Density Training - Back & Chest...

Pure Strength BP - 160lbs - 3x8-7-5

BTN Pull Up - body weight  - 3x8-7-5
Incline Bench Press - 145lbs - 2x8-7-5
Cable Row - 60lbs - 2x8-7-5

Cash Out - 
Dumbbell fly - 1x12 - 40lbs 
Incline Dumbbell fly - 1x12 - 30lbs
Decline Bench Press- 1x12 -95lbs
rest, then...
Bench Press - 1x12 -115lbs
Strait Arm Barbell Pullover - 1x12 - 30lbs
Dip, negative only - goal is 30 seconds 

BTN Pull Up - 1x12 - body weight
Bent Over row  - narrow underhand grip - 1x12 -70lbs
Bent Arm Pullover - 1x12 - 45lbs
Chin Up, negative only - goal is 30 seconds

Friday, January 6, 2017

High Rep Heavy Density Training - Arms...

Barbell Curls - 3x8-7-5 - 80lbs - 60 reps 

Rope Push Downs - 3x8-7-5 - 52.5lbs - 60 reps 

Dips - 3x8-7-5 @ bodyweight

Hammer Curls - 3x8-7-5 - 35lbs * after last set then: 30x1, 25x2, 20x3x 15x4, 10x5

Cash Out: 
* One-repetition chin up (underhand) - goal is 30 seconds up and 30 seconds down. followed by,
* Barbell Curl - 1x12 - 45lbs then two negatives for 8 seconds
* rest 30 seconds then,
One-repetition dip - goal is 30 seconds up and 30 seconds down. followed by,
* Dumbbell Triceps Extension -  1x12 - 35lbs then two negatives for 8 seconds

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Back Squats & Double Kettlebell Jerks.

Back Squats - 155lbs - 10x6 - 60 reps 

Double Kettlebell Jerks - 44lbs - 6x10 - 60 reps 

Cash Out: GHD Raises - 6x10 - 60 reps