Sunday, July 30, 2017

German Volume Training - Chest/Back...

Bench Press - 10x10 @ 155lbs

Snatch Grip High Pull - 10x10 @ 95lbs

Decline Bench Press - 3x8 @ 170lbs

TRX Row - 3x10 @ body weight 

Saturday, July 29, 2017


Time: 4 Rounds
400m run
15 Handstand Push-ups (Strict)
15 Pull-ups (Chest-to-bar)
500m Row
34:03 Rx
*35 minute time cap
60 Strict HPSUs is no joke!

Friday, July 28, 2017

German Volume Training - Legs 

10x10 back squat @ 165lbs

10x10 leg curls @ 85lbs

Seated 5x15 calf raises @ 100lbs

At Vent Fitness - Latham, NY 

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

German Volume Training - Arms & Shoulders

A-1 Dips - 10x10 @ 7.5lbs

A-2 Chin Ups - 10x10 @ 5lbs
B-1 lateral raises - 3x8 @ 27.5lbs
B-2 lying side laterals - 3x8 @ 27.5lbs
Cash Out: Overhead Plate Raise - 10x10 @ 45lbs*
* Plate Carry in between each round.

Monday, July 24, 2017

German Volume Training - Legs 

10x10 back squat @ 155lbs

10x10 leg curls @ 80lbs

5x15 calf raises @ 255lbs 

At Powerhouse Gym - Utica, NY 

Sunday, July 23, 2017

German Volume Training - Chest/Back...

Bench Press - 10x10 @ 150lbs

Snatch Grip High Pull - 10x10 @ 90lbs
Decline Bench Press - 3x8 @ 165lbs
TRX Row - 3x10 @ body weight 

Saturday, July 22, 2017

D10 Decathlon...

I participated in a decathlon (10 events) in Cambridge on Saturday July 22 as part of a team. The D10's 10 events which are (in order): 400m run, Football throw, Pull-ups, 40yd dash, Dips, 500m row, Vertical jump, 20yd shuttle sprint, Bench Press, 800m run. I did my best.
My friend Bryan's 8 year daughter Alexa was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on July 29th 2016. In his own words: ''Alexa has been doing fantastic and fighting hard through her treatments. I know that all of my training won't compare with how much she has had and will have to endure until September of 2018 when her treatment is targeted to end. I will give it all I've got for her on July 22nd. #LexiStrong

We raised $30,000!

D10 Decathlon Results
Order of events:
400m - 1:10 (only 6 seconds off my PR!)
Football throw - 37 yards
Pull-ups - 22 (4 or 5 no reps)
40yd dash - 5.4 seconds
Dips - 47 (goal was 40. Most I've ever done!)
500m row - N/A (we skipped at least one event)
Vertical jump - 28 inches (never tried before)
20yd shuttle - 5.1 seconds
Bench press (175) - 19 reps (5 rep PR)
800m run - 3:40 (1:03 SLOWER than PR. I was toast by then). 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

German Volume Training - Arms & Shoulders

A-1 Dips - 10x10 @ 5lbs

A-2 Chin Ups - 10x10 @ 3lbs
B-1 lateral raises - 3x8 @ 25lbs
B-2 lying side laterals - 3x8 @ 25lbs
Cash Out: Overhead Plate Raise - 10x10 @ 45lbs

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

German Volume Training - Chest/Back...

Bench Press - 10x10 @ 145lbs

Snatch Grip High Pull - 10x10 @ 85lbs
Decline Bench Press - 3x8 @ 160lbs
TRX Row - 3x10 @ body weight 

Monday, July 17, 2017

German Volume Training - Legs...

10x10 back squat @ 150lbs*

10x10 leg curls @ 75lbs
5x15 calf raises @ 160lbs

* run a flight of stairs in between each set

Sunday, July 16, 2017

German Volume Training - Arms & Shoulders...

A-1 Dips - 10x10 @ 2.5lbs

A-2 Chin Ups - 8x10 @ 2.5lbs then, 2x10 @ bodyweight
B-1 lateral raises - 3x8 @ 22.5lbs
B-2 lying side laterals - 3x8 @ 22.5lbs
Cash Out: Overhead Plate Raise - 10x10 @ 45lbs

Saturday, July 15, 2017

45lb Hill Plate Carry...

45lb hill plate carry. 1.23 miles - 24:17. Tough as hell especially since it's impossible to find a comfortable carrying position for the plate. I had it in front of me, on my shoulders, I held it overhead, I switched hands. Everything hurts! Just me, the 45lb plate, Chuck Taylors and my hill.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

German Volume Training - Legs...

10x10 back squat @ 145lbs*
10x10 leg curls @ 70lbs
5x10 calf raises @ 150lbs

* run two flights of stairs in between each set

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

German Volume Training - Legs...

10x10 back squat @ 140lbs*
* run two flights of stairs in between each set

Monday, July 10, 2017

German Volume Training - Arms & Shoulders...

A-1 Dips - 10x10

A-2 Chin Ups - 10x10
B-1 lateral raises - 3x8 @ 20lbs
B-2 lying side laterals - 3x8 @ 20lbs
Cash Out: Overhead Plate Raise - 10x10 @ 45lbs

Thursday, July 6, 2017

German Volume Training - Legs...

10x10 back squat @ 135lbs*

* run two flights of stairs in between each set

25 Strict Pull Ups...

I just got 25 strict pull ups. My previous Pr was 24. Anyday that you Pr is a good day!

Monday, July 3, 2017

"Jacinto Storm!"...

Fabiana and I did this today in honor of CrossFit athlete Jacinto Bonnila'a 78th Birthday! #AgeIsJustANumber

For Time:
78 Double Unders
78 Squats
78 Push-Ups
78 Pull-up s or Ring Rows
78 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14
78 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
78 Deadlifts 95/65
78 Double Unders
18:36 as a team.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

9-7-5 Wave Shoulders/Traps...

Pure Strength Shoulder Press - 95-115-135/135-155-175 then, 95x15

Read Delt Machine - 1151130-145/130-145-160 

Bench Stop Barbell Shoulder Raises - 25-35-45/35-45-55

TRX HSPUs - 10-5 


Barbell Shrug - 8x8'@ 315lbs then, 225x12/135x15

Overhead Shrug - 70-80-90x10

DB Upright Row - 35-40-45x8