Wednesday, May 30, 2018

German Volume Training - Chest/Back...

Bench Press - 10x10 @ 160lbs
Double Kettlebell High Pull - 10x10 @ 35lbs
Ring Push Ups - 3x8
V-Sit Pull Ups - 3x5

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

"Death by Air Squat"...

Minute 1 -1 Air Squat
Minute 2 -2 Air Squats
Minute 3 -3 Air Squats
…until you run out of time or tap out

22 rounds plus 17 reps -  270 air squats

Sunday, May 27, 2018

“24 Heroes in 24 Hours”...

Today I participated in “24 Heroes in 24 Hours”. (I completed 7 consecutive workouts. Much respect to those who completed all 24.) All proceeds from donations or raffles will be donated to Veterans Inc., a Worcester nonprofit organization that fights veteran homelessness. Via @metrowestdaily

Friday, May 25, 2018

1.5 mile farmers walk...

1.5 mile farmers walk with two 35lb kettlebells. 

"The loaded carry does more to expand athletic qualities than any other single thing I've attempted in my career as a coach and athlete. And I do not say that lightly."" - Dan John

Thursday, May 24, 2018

German Volume Training - Arms/Shoulders...

A-1 Barbell Curls - 10x10 - 70lbs
A-2 Ring Dips- 10x10 - 5lbs
B-1 Cable Lateral Raises - 3x8 @ 30/40/40
B-2 Bent-over Cable Lateral Raises - 3x8 @ 30/30/40

Cash Out: Face Pull - 8 x 50-70-90

Finished with super slow chin up 20/30 for 50 seconds total.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

German Volume Training - Chest/Back...

Bench Press - 10x10 @ 155lbs
LeverEdge Lat Pulldown - 10x10
@ 110lbs
Low-to-High Cable - 3x8 @ 30/50/70
V-Pull Up - 3x5 @ body weight

Cash Out: L-Sit Muscle Up into Ring HSPU then four consecutive L-Sit Muscle Ups!

Monday, May 21, 2018

German Volume Training - Trap Bar Deadlifts...

Trap Bar Deadlifts - 10x10 @ 225lbs

Last couple of sets - 3 second negative (8 seconds on last rep). 

22,500lbs lifted! 

Sunday, May 20, 2018

German Volume Training - Arms/Shoulders...

A-1 C2B Chin Ups- 10x10
A-2 Ring Dips- 10x10
B-1 Cable Lateral Raises - 3x8 @ 30lbs
B-2 Bent-over Cable Lateral Raises - 3x8 @ 25lbs

Cash Out: Face Pull - 8 x 50-70-90

Saturday, May 19, 2018

German Volume Training - Chest/Back...

Bench Press - 8x10 @ 155lbs
Double KB High Pull - 8x10 @ 35lb
Incline DB Press - 3x8 @ 70/75/80
V-Pull Up - 3x5 @ body weight

Finished my chest/back workout with 225lbs for ten reps! Used the Slingshot to be safe. Still very nervous after completely tearing my pec in 2014. Feel stronger than ever! My goal is 25 reps @ 225lbs.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Pausing Back Squats & Deadpool...

Pausing Back Squat: 3 x 5 @ 135-185-225
*3 second pause in bottom of squat

For Time
15 Hang Power Snatch
20 Front Rack Lunges (total, alternating)
25 Hang Power Cleans
30 Front Squats 
6:59 @ 75lbs

Thursday, May 17, 2018

German Volume Training - Arms/Shoulders...

A-1 Cable Curls- 10x10 @ 17.5lbs
A-2 Tri Extensions- 10x10 @ 35lbs
B-1 Lateral raises - 3x8 @ 25lbs
B-2 Bent-over cable laterals - 4x8 @ 17.5lbs

Hanging Body Weight Rows - 3x5

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

German Volume Training - Back/Chest...

Double Kettlebell High Pulls - 7X10 @ 35lbs 
Floor Press - 7x10  @ 155lbs
One-arm KB Press (53) - 2X8
One-arm KB row (70)

KBHPs really get your HR up. My max HR was 165. 

Monday, May 14, 2018

German Volume Training - Legs

6x10 One-leg deadlift (35)
3x10 One-leg deadlift (53)
*Each Leg

Sunday, May 13, 2018

German Volume Training - Arms/Shoulders...

A-1 C2B Chin Ups- 6x10
A-2 Rope Triceps Extensions - 6x10 @ 22.5lbs
B-1 Lateral raises - 3x8 @ 25lbs
B-2 Bent-over laterals - 3x8 @ 25lbs

Cash Out: Kettlebell Squat Curl - 3x8 @ 53lbs

Friday, May 11, 2018

German Volume Training - Chest/Back...

Bench Press - 6x10 @ 155lbs
Snatch Grip High Pull - 6x10 @ 75lbs
DB FLy - 3x8 @ 49/45/50
V-Pull Up - 5x5 @ body weight

First day back at GVT. Started @ 6x10. Will work up to 10x10

Thursday, May 10, 2018

"Kettlebell Alexander"

5 Rounds
31 Goblet Squats (53)
12 Power Cleans (155)

*Rx is 135lb back squats & 185lb power cleans.

Staff Sgt. Alexander G. Povilaitis, 47, of Dawsonville, Georgia, assigned to the 570th Sapper Company, 14th Engineer Battalion, 555th Brigade, was killed in action on May 31, 2012 in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, when enemy forces attacked his vehicle with an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his wife, Kimberly, and two sons, Alexander Blaine and Danny.

Image result for alexander wod

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

German Volume Training - Arms...

Kettlebell Hammer Curls - 10x10 - 35lbs

Straight Bar Dips - 10x10

Cash Out: Close grip chin ups - 2x10

Monday, May 7, 2018

100 kettlebell military press/400M farmers walk combo

20 sets of 5 @ 35lbs - 100 reps 
Carry bells. Stop to press in sets of 5. Repeat for 400 meters.

Wanted to train shoulder and work out outside. This combo worked well. My traps were fried at the end after all the direct shoulder work.

Cash Out - 
10 kettlebell clean and jerks @ 53lbs each side 
10 bottoms presses @ 26lbs each side
5 v pull ups

Sunday, May 6, 2018


Four rounds for time of:
10 L-pull-ups
15 Push-ups
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups
15 Push-ups
20 Pull-ups
15 Push-ups
39:29 Rx

* L-Pull Ups and Pull Ups Strict. I kipped the C2Bs. That was tough.

RIP 1st LT Weaver.

U.S. Army First Lieutenant Todd W. Weaver, 26, of Hampton, VA, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), based out of Fort Campbell, KY, died on September 9, 2010, of wounds suffered when insurgents attacked his unit with a roadside bomb in Kandahar, Afghanistan. 

He is survived by his wife Emma, daughter Kiley, parents Don and Jeanne, and siblings Glenn, Adrianna, and Christina

namesake photo

Thursday, May 3, 2018

“Deck of Cards’’...

For Time:
Hearts: Sit-ups
Clubs: Russian Kettlebell Swings (70)
Diamonds: Burpees
Spades: 10m Shuttle Run
30:43 Rx

Image result for deck of cards crossfit

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

"Titanium" and Seal Rows...

Quick workout in the driveway/garage before I head to Western Mass:

21 Ground to Overhead w/ a Plate (45/25)
200 Meter Run
21 Ground to Overhead w/ a Plate
200 Meter Run
15 Ground to Overhead w/ a Plate
200 Meter Run
15 Ground to Overhead w/ a Plate
200 Meter Run
9 Ground to Overhead w/ a Plate
200 Meter Run
9 Ground to Overhead w/ a Plate
200 Meter Run
13:26 Rx

*Daybreak Crossfit

Cash Out: Seal Row - 5x10 @ 35lbs