Sunday, September 29, 2019


AFAP - 25-20-15-10-5:
Close Grip Bench Press 135
Hang Power Clean 75
Chin Up
22:35 - 3:21 PR! 

Cash Out: 
Double KB Curls -3 sets of: 26x5, 35x5, 44x3
Rope Hammer Curls - 3 sets of 90x5, 110x4, 130x3

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Chest & Back - 6x10...

Couldn’t make it to the gym today.Klobuchar. Got in a quick workout in. Something is always better than nothing!

Incline Bench Press: 6x10 @ 135
Double Kettlebell Row: 6x10 @ 53lbs
Incline Kettlebell Press: 2x8 @ 53lbs
Incline Seal Row: 2x8 @ 53lbs

Part Two:
Incline Kettlebell Press: 3x12 @ 53lbs
Behind-the-neck Pull Ups: 3x8
Kettlebell One-arm Row: 3x3 @ 150lbs 
then, 1x1 @ 203lbs

Friday, September 27, 2019

Legs - Ten Rep Back Squat & 1RM Trap Bar DL...

Back Squats 5-3-10

*Ten reps at 225lbs felt solid! Need to try 20 reps next time. 

Trap Bar DL - High Bar:

532.5x1 - Failed first attempt. Then got it!
2.5lb lifetime PR! 

*Weighed 155lbs this morning. 

Thursday, September 26, 2019

5-3-1 Wave - Shoulders/Traps...

Shoulder Press: 130-140-150

DB Shoulder Press: 60-70-80(2)
80lb DB Shoulder Press is a lifetime Pr! 

DB Bent-Over Laterals: 40-45-50/45-50-55

Incline Seal Rows: 45-50-55/50-55-60 then, 80x3

DB Upright Rows: 55-60-65/60-65-70

Cash Out: DB Shrugs: 3x15 @ 200lbs

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

5-3-1 Wave - Arms...

Kettlebell Curls: 35-40-45/40-45-50*

*Singles then doubles

Dumbbell Triceps Ext: 70-75-80/75-80-85

Rotational DB Curls: 45-50-55/50-55-60 then, Cheat Curls @ 70x3 

Close Grip Bench Press:


Tuesday, September 24, 2019

5-3-1 Wave - Chest & Back...

Drove 400+ miles today through NY & VT. Didn’t feel like training but knew I should. Decided to go a bit heavy and keep my workout short. 

Did a 5-3-1 Wave of;

BTN Pull Ups: 25-35-45/45-65-80

Cybex Chest Press: 120-140-160/140-160-180

Incline Barbell Press: 135-155-175/155-195 then, 225x1! Two plates on incline - HUGE PR! 

T Bar Row: 135-155-175/155-175-195 
then, 225x1! 


Monday, September 23, 2019

7-5-3 Wave - Legs...

Machine Hack Squat - 

Trap Bar DL - Low Bar:

PM: Garage
Russian Swings - Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes complete: 

24 reps each round for 120 reps total in 9 minutes. 

Saturday, September 21, 2019

7-5-3 Wave - Shoulders/Traps...

Strict Shoulder Press

DB Bent-Over Laterals: 35-40-45/40-45-50

Incline Seal Rows: 40-45-50/45-50-55

Cable Upright Rows: 140-150-160/150-160-170

Cash Out: Fast Hang Cleans: 3x8 @ 115lbs

Friday, September 20, 2019

7-5-3 Wave - Arms...

AM: MetfIt
V-Chin Ups - 20-15-10-5

Rope Push Downs: 75-95-120/95-120-140

LeverEdge Close Grip Bench Press :235-255-275/255-275-295

Rotational DB Curls:40-45-50/45-50-55

Cash Out: 
TRX Triceps Ext: 3x8
Two-hand KB Curl: 3x8 @ 70lbs then, Double
KB Curls: 2x5 @ 88lbs

PM: Garage
One-arm KB Cleans - 14 reps @ 97lbs
Close KB Bench Press - 3x8 @ 97lbs
Kettlebell Hammer Curls - 3x8 @ 53lbs

Thursday, September 19, 2019

7-5-3 Wave - Chest & Back...

Dead Hang Pull Ups - 50-65-80/65-80(4)-90(1)

LeverEdge Press - 245-265-285/265-285-305

Incline DB Press - 70-80-90/80-90-100(4)

LeverEdge One-arm Row - 90-115-130/115-130-145

Cash Out:
60 Second Negative Pull Up 
Ring Push Ups - 2x15 then, Ring Push Up/Fly Combo - 1x5/5

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

“Giant Kettlebells” - OTM...


0:00-20:00 - 5 Swings OTM @ 150lbs

21:00-25:00 - 3 Swings OTM @ 203lbs

26:00-35:00 - 10 Sumo DL OTM @ 203lbs


“Building a gym in my garage was one of the best thing I’ve ever done. I love the training environment of a gym but when life gets in the way - which is most of the time - I have zero excuses. Something is ALWAYS better than nothing. Discipline equals freedom”! - Jocko Willink

PM: Goblet Squat 3 reps @ 150lbs

Sunday, September 15, 2019

7-5-3 Wave - Shoulders/Traps...

Strict Shoulder Press - 


DB Bent-Over Laterals - 30-35-40/35-40-45

Incline Seal Rows - 35-40-45/40-45-50

Cable Upright Rows - 


The 6 Way Delt Raise - 3x6 @ 15lbs

This exercise makes for a great finisher after a shoulder workout. It'll hit all three heads of the delts. The key here is continuous tension, one of the key mechanisms for muscle growth.

This exercise makes for a great finisher after a shoulder workout. It'll hit all three heads of the delts. The key here is continuous tension, one of the key mechanisms for muscle growth.

You won't need much weight for this one. We're going for time under tension and burn.

Perform a lateral raise, followed by bringing the dumbbells together in front, then a front raise from that mid-body position. Now reverse the movements. That's one rep. If you do it right, you'll never lose tension on the muscles.

Cash Out: Farmers Carries - 4x30M @ 250lbs

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Arms - 10x10...

Close Grip Bench Press - 115lbs

Barbell Curls - 75lbs


Kettlebell Squat Curls - 3x4 @ 97lbs

Kettlebells Crush Bench Press - 3x4 @ 70lbs

Cash Out: Max Reps - Close Grip Chin Ups @ 35lbs - Got eleven. 

Friday, September 13, 2019

7-5-3 Wave - Chest & Back...

AM: Metfit 
Dead Hang Pull Ups - 45-60-75/60-75-85 them, 106lb x2! 6lb PR! 

LeverEdge Press -240-260-280/250-280-300

Incline DB Press - 65-75-85/75-85-95

Dumbbell Row - 90-100-110/100-110-120

Cash Out:
Snatch Grip High Pulls - 3x8 @ 95lbs
Kettlebell Combo Press - 3x5 @ 44lbs

PM: Garage

One-arm KB Press/One-arm KB Pull Over:

4x5 @ 53lbs then 1x5 @ 70lbs 

50 press L&R

50 pullovers L&R 

100 total reps 

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Snatch Grip - 5x3 @ 315lbs
Trap Bar - 3x5 @ 275lbs
Felt like crap today. Tired. Slow. Old. Decided
scale back and just move. “Something is always better than nothing”. 

Just. Be. Consistent. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

7-5-3 Wave - Shoulders/Traps...

Strict Shoulder Press - 115-125-135/125(5)-135(3)-145(1) then  

DB Bent-Over Laterals - 25-30-35/30-35-40

Incline Seal Rows - 30-35-40/35-40-45

Cable Upright Rows - 130-140-150/140-150-160

Cash Out: 

Lateral Up & Outs - 6x6 @ 20lbs

Monday, September 9, 2019

7-5-3 Wave - Arms...

Smith Machine Drag Curls - 45-55-65/55-65-75

Seated Smith Machine Half Press -


*This exercise is excellent for packing meat on the lateral head of the triceps, as that part of the muscle is largely dormant in most people. You can tell when it's developed, though, as it will make the back of the triceps look like an X, in addition to making you appear to be considerably wider.

Set up an adjustable incline bench inside a power rack (I used the Smith Machine) with the inclination of the bench being at 80-90 degrees in relation to the ground. (The seat portion should be angled, too, so that you won't slip off when executing the exercise.) Adjust the pins in the power rack so that the bar is at hairline level for the starting position. Your grip on the bar should be about shoulder width. The elbows should be pointing outward.

Simply press the weight up as if you were doing a conventional press. However, make sure that you use a "dead stop" in the bottom position. In other words, let the weight come to a complete stop against the pins. I've found using dead stops ranging from two to four seconds in the bottom position to be the most effective with this exercise. They will help you build up the triceps, as each rep forces you to fight against inertia. A recommended tempo for this exercise would be 221 (two seconds to lower, a two-second pause, followed by a one-second lift) or 321, depending on your arm length. - T Nation

Smith MachineClose Grip Press - 185-190-195/190-195-200

Drag Curls - 45lb Bar - 15-10-5

Cash Out: Rotational DB Curls - 3x5 @ 45lbs

Saturday, September 7, 2019

7-5-3 Wave - Chest & Back...

Dead Hang Pull Ups - 40-55-70/55-70-80

LeverEdge Press - 235-255-275/255-275-295

Incline DB Press - 60-70-80/70-80-90 then, 105x3!

Dumbbell Row -85-95-105/95-105-115

Friday, September 6, 2019

Strict Press...

I haven’t tried a strict press in a long time. Probably at least a year. 

I got:  
155x2, 165x1 and 170x1! 

Very happy since I currently weight 155lbs (ish) and my lifetime PR is 181lbs! (4/18/2014 - 5+ years ago). 

7-5-3 Wave - Legs...

Machine Hack Squat - 240-260-280/260/280-300

Trap Bar DL - 330-350-370/350-370-390 then, 430x1, 480x1, 500x3! 

Thursday, September 5, 2019

7-5-3 Wave - Shoulders/Traps...

AM: Metfit

LeverEdge Shoulder Press - 200-210-220/210-220-230

DB Bent-Over Laterals - 25-30-35/30-35-40

Incline Seal Rows - 30-35-40/35-40-45

Cable Upright Rows - 130-140-150/140-150-160

Cash Out: 
Kettlebell Crucifix (10 second hold to start)  into 8 lateral raises (finish with 10 second hold)  - 3x8 @ 18lbs

PM: Driveway/Neighborhood

Worked from home again. It is so nice outside and I wanted to get in a quick workout. 

Kettlebells Jump Shrugs - 8x8 @ 140lbs then,
Farmers Carry - 400M @ 140lbs 

AVG HR - 132

MAX HR - 170P

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

7-5-3 Wave - Arms...

AM: Metfit

EZ Barbell Curls - 90-100-110/100-110-120 then, 120lbs x 5  

Dips - 70-90-115/90-115-145(2) then, 135lbs x 5 

Rotational DB Curls - 35-40-45/40-45-50

LeverEdge Close Grip Bench Press - 


Cash Out: 

Two Hand Kettlebell Curls - 15 second static gold then 15 reps @ 53lbs

Close Grip BP - Max Reps @ 205lbs - 2 reps 

PM: Driveway

7-5-3 Kettlebell Hang Cleans



70x3 then,



97x3 (from the ground).

*Each arm. 60 reps total 

“The clean is a really fast bicep curl. If you look back at iron history you’ll see that old-time greats like Arnold used to favor cheat curls - what ended up being a reverse grip hang power clean. That’s exactly what the kettlebell clean is, with the added bonus that comes with the swing elements found within it”. - Breaking Muscle 

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

7-5-3 Wave - Back & Chest...

Weighted Strict Pull Up - 35-50-65/50-65-75

LeverEdge Press - 230lbs-250lbs-270lbs/250lbs-270lbs-290lbs

Incline DB Bench Press - 55lbs-65lbs-75lbs/65lbs-75lbs-85lbs then, 100x4 (shallow reps)

Dumbbell Row -80lbs-90lbs-100lbs/90lbs-100lbs-110lbs then, Max reps @ 125lbs - got 5 reps! 

Sunday, September 1, 2019

7-5-3 Wave - Legs...

Machine Hack Squat - 230-250-270/250-270-290

Snatch Grip DL - 225-245-265/245-265-285 then, got 365x1. 

Time to back off the volume and ramp up my strength again. Moving away from 8x8 for a

month or two and going back to wave training. First 7-5-3 then 9-7-5.