Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Shoulders 10-8-6-15...

Lateral Plate Raise - 25-30-45-25

Lean Back Cable Lateral - 


Rear Delt Machine Fly - 130-150-170-110

Overhead Plate Raise - 3x8 @ 25lbs

Monkey Shrugs - 3x8 @ 50lbs

Cash Out: 

DB Hang Clean & Press - 3x8 @ 35lbs then, 3x5 @ 50lbs & 1x3 @ 65lbs

@ Planet Fitness S. Burlington 

Monday, September 28, 2020

TRX & Kettlebells - Arms...

Reverse Grip Kettlebell Floor Press - 8x8

TRX Pelican Curls - 8x8


“The benefits of the reverse grip benefits are vast.  It’s a great exercise for anyone looking to develop a full chest and bigger arms.  The RGBP is not just an upper chest exercise, but an exercise that will develop the upper and lower pecs, triceps and biceps too!

The Reverse Grip Bench Press……

  1. Is a great upper chest exercise.
  2. Is a great lower chest exercise.
  3. Works the Biceps.
  4. Works the Triceps.
  5. Works the shoulders.
  6. Is a great exercise to try if you suffer from shoulder pain.
  7. Offers variations for people with wrist issues.

If you are looking for the one upper body exercise to develop bigger chest and arms, give the reverse grip bench press a try.  I believe you will be enjoy the exercise and find the contraction, pump, and mind muscle connection you are looking for.” - PumpSomeIron.Com

TRX High Curls - 4x8

TRX Extensions - 4x8

* Superset

Cash Out:

KB Crush Curl - 3x8

KB Hammer Curls - 3x8

Two-Handed KB Curl - 3x8


*All at 35lbs 

The Kettlebell Crush Curl - “This exercise will not only work your biceps but also your chest and forearm muscles. You don’t realize how much you use your chest muscles to “crush” until you try to hold heavy kettle bell in between the palms of the hands. 

To perform the kettlebell crush curl, you simply grasp the kettlebell on each side with a palms-facing grip. Squeeze as hard as you can This will serve to keep the kettlebell from falling to the ground.

Starting at the bottom position, your elbows will be fully extended and the kettlebell should be in front of the thigh area. Keep your back straight throughout this exercise. While squeezing the kettlebell, slowly curl the kettlebell up. Pause at the top and lower the kettlebell in a controlled manner, all the while "crushing" the kettlebell. It’s a lot harder than it looks! - Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1011029 


#kettlebellcrushcurls #crushcurl #Lighthousepoint #kettlebellrob

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Kettlebell Chest/Back - 4x16..

Kettlebell Floor Press - 4x16 @ 35lbs

Reverse-grip Kettlebell Row- 4x16 @ 35lbs


TRX Fly - 4x8

TRX Row - 4x8


Cash Out: 

Kettlebell Pullovers - 3x15

Roof Front Lever Pull Ups - 3x3

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." - Theodore Roosevelt 

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Skier Swings & Farmers Walks...

Skier Swings - 15 sets of 10 @ 35lbs then,

800M Farmers Walk @ 35lbs each. 


Did some Skier Swings today. I liked them better than traditional Double Swings. I feel like you can heavier and need to use your upper back and rear delts to stabilize yourself at the top of the movement. All while working your hamstrings! 


“The weights move faster to achieve movement, which helps develop tremendous hip, glute, and hamstring strength.”

The move also homes in on the upper body. Since each arm maintains a weight—rather than controlling the same one—muscles in the shoulders, chest, and upper back contend with momentum on both sides, forcing them to make small adjustments to stay in sync”. - Men’s Journal 

Friday, September 25, 2020

TRX & Kettlebells - Shoulders/Traps...

Rear Lateral @ Face Pull - 8x8

Arnold KB Press - 4x8 @ 35lbs

Single KB Upright Row - 4x8 @ 35lbs

Overhead Lateral Raises - 3x8


Cash Out: MAX Chest Facing Wall HSPUs - 24. THREE rep PR!

“Chest to wall HSPUs more properly mimics the way your body will move in a freestanding handstand pushup. When doing it back-to-wall, you're encouraging high back arch and also allowing for wide elbows - something you cannot do in a freestanding HSPU if you want to maintain balance”. - Unknown

KB Monkey Row - 8x8 @ 35lbs


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Arms: 10-8-6-15...

Seated DB Curls - 25-30-35-20*

*2-0-2 tempo 

Close Grip Reverse-Grip Floor Press - 


*Don't bring the bar all the way down to your chest. Lower it to a few inches above to make sure the triceps are under tremendous tension the entire time.

Hammer Curls - 40-45-50-30

Cable Triceps Extensions


Cash Out:

Double KB Curls - 3x8 @ 26lbs then 2x5 @ 35lbs 

Tiger Bend HSPUs - 2x3 

Fat Bar Empty EZ Bar Curls - 1x25

Monday, September 21, 2020

Chest/Back: 10-8-6-15....

Reverse Smith Machine Bench Press -


Reverse Grip Smith Machine Row - 


Hanging TRX Fly - 3x12

Headbanger Pull Up 3x12

Cash Out - 

Gironda Dips - 3x8

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Trap Bar DL - High Bar...







545 - Failed x2

Cash Out: Iron Cross x2

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Shoulders 10-8-6-15..

Lateral Plate Raise - 25-35-45-25

Lean Back Cable Lateral - 


Seal Swings - 20-25-30-15

Hang Clean & Press - 2x15 @ 65lbs*

* “This shoulder complex is going to cause the lactic acid to flow like a river. Just what the delts need for hypertrophy. The shoulders need plenty of time under tension (TUT) to grow. That means longer sets with lighter weights. The main thing to focus on is stimulating as much lactate build-up in the target muscle as possible. You need to have a high pain tolerance. Lactate accumulation through muscular work is maximized when the muscle is under tension for 45-70 seconds. This complex will take care of that”. - T Nation

Cash Out:

Gironda DB Swings - 5x5 @ 15lbs

Friday, September 18, 2020

Arms: 10-8-6-15...

Seated DB Curls - 25-30-35-20*

*2-0-2 tempo 

Reverse-Grip Smith Press - 


* This reverse-grip press hits the lateral and medial head of the triceps – the mid-range resistance curve. With reverse-grip benching you may find holding the bar problematic at times. You'll end up concentrating too much on just moving the weight – trying to stabilizing rather than loading the triceps. The solution? The smith machine. Really. Give the smith a go and you won't have to worry about stabilizing, which is a good thing for this application. You'll be able to tuck the elbows in hard and load the hell out of your triceps, especially on the eccentric (lowering) portion of the movement.

Coaching Points

  1. Don't bring the bar all the way down to your chest. Lower it to a few inches above to make sure the triceps are under tremendous tension the entire time.

Hammer Curls -  40-45-50-30

Standing DB Triceps Extensions


Cash Out:

Empty EZ Bar Curls - 2x25

Front Lever - 3x10 seconds 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Chest/Back: 10-8-6-15...

Reverse Smith Machine Bench Press -


Reverse Grip Smith Machine Row - 


Low-to-High Fly - 40-50-60-30

Switch-Grip Pull Ups - 3x8 

Cash Out - 

Front Lever Pull Up x5

TRX Fly - 3x5

Barbell Planche Push Ups x5

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

100 Hang Power Snatches @ 95lbs

Then, 1 rep max Snatch 





Sloppy as hell but.. whatever! 

Monday, September 14, 2020

Shoulders 10-8-6-15...

LeverEdge Shoulder Press - 


Lean Back Cable Lateral - 


Prime Handle Upright Row -


Hang Clean


Cash Out:

Horizontal & Vertical KB Press - 3x5

@ 26lbs

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Arms: 10-8-6-15...

Seated DB Curls - 25-30-35-20

Seated Smith Machine Half Press* -


Hammer Curls -  40-45-50-30

Smith MachineClose Grip Press - 185-195-205-155

Cash Out:

Empty EZ Bar Curls - 2x25

Wide Grip Supinated Strait Bar Dips - 5x5

Plate Drag Curls - 3x8 @ 25lbs


Workout #2 - Arms (Garage)

5 Rounds of:

10 Sitting Half-Barbell Curls 

10 Reverse Close Grip Bench Press

*Both @ 75lbs

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Chest/Back: 10-8-6-15...

Incline Press -145lbs-165lbs-185lbs(5)-135lbs

Reverse Grip Barbell Row - 


Incline DB Bench Press - 

65-75-85-55 then, 100x3

Wide Grip Pulldown - 


Cash Out - 

One-arm Cable Row - 3x5 @ 100lbs

Low-to-High Fly - 3x5 @ 40lbs

TRX Fly - 3x5

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Shoulders 10-8-6-15...

LeverEdge Shoulder Press - 


Lean Back Cable Lateral - 


Prime Handle Upright Row -


Hang Clean


Cash Out:

Trap Bar Presses - 3x15 @ 60lbs

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Arms: 10-8-6-15...

Double Cable Curls - 80-90-100-70

Push Downs - 100-120-150-90

Hammer Curls -  40-45-50-30

Kettlebell Skullcrusher - 34-44-53-26

Cash Out:

Pelican Curls - 3x5*

Barbell Triceps BW Extensions - 3x5*


Empty Barbell Curls - 2x25



For Time:

1 Mile Run

2K Row

1 Mile Run


Sgt Major Jerry Dwayne Patton, 40, died on 15 October 2008 during High Altitude High Opening (HAHO) training while assigned to Army USSOCOM preparing for deployment to Afghanistan. 

Jerry is survived by his wife Milely and his sons Chad, Cody, Chase, and Connor.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Chest/Back: 10-8-6-15...

Machine Guillotine Press -


Reverse Grip Barbell Row - 


Incline DB Bench Press - 


Wide Grip Pulldown - 


Cash Out - 

TRX Fly - 3x5

Front Lever Pulls - 3x5

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Trap Bar DL - High Bar...







480 - Failed (Rigjt Hand)

Them, 30x5 @ 240lbs - 150 reps for 36,000lbs

Cash Out:

10x30M Sprint @ 75%

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Shoulders 10-8-6-15...

LeverEdge Shoulder Press - 


Lean Back Cable Lateral - 


Prime Handle Upright Row -


Hang Clean & Press


Cash Out:

6 Up/6 Down 3 @ 25lbs then, 1 @ 35lbs

Planche Leans z3

Friday, September 4, 2020

Arms: 10-8-6-15...

Barbell Curls -  70-85-100-60

Dips - 40-55-75-30

Hammer Curls -  40-45-50-30

Close Grip Bench Press - 145-165-185-125

Cash Out:

Kettlebell Curls - 3x5

Double DB Skull Crushers - 3x5

*both @ 25lbs

Pelican Curls - 5x5*


Thursday, September 3, 2020

Chest/Back: 10-8-6-15...

Incline Press -145lbs-165lbs-185lbs(5)-135lbs

Horizontal Cable Row - 120-140-160-100

Incline DB Bench Press - 60lbs-70lbs-80lbs-50lbs

Wide Grip Pulldown - 120-140-160-100

Cash Out - 

TRX Fly - 3x5

Front Lever Pulls - 3x5

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Yoke Carries....

50x30M @ 185lbs....

First 30 - 14:09 - Avg HR 125

Stopped at 30 to take a work call. Then...

Last 20 - 9:40 - AVG HR 129

23:49 total time 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Shoulders 10-8-6-15

LeverEdge Shoulder Press - 200-220-250-180

Lean Back Cable Lateral - 50-60-70-40

Prime Handle Upright Row - 110-130-150-90

Hang Clean- 95-115-135-75

Cash Out:

Drive-the-Bus 3x8 @ 25lbs