Saturday, May 29, 2021

Sprint Repeats...

50x20M  @ 50%

Cash Out:

Planche Push Ups Practice x3 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Trap Bar Deadlift - Low Bar (500x3!)






500x3 - A FUCKING Triple!

Fuck Yes! I just pulled 500 pounds FOR THE FIRST TIME. for 2 weeks ago!

"Your 500 pound 1RM is impressive. 

Do you know what's more impressive than going for 505 or 510 the next time?

Hitting the same 500 for two or three reps. 

Forget the extra five or 10 pounds for "progressive overload". 

You just doubled or tripled the work you did for 500. 

What's that worth to you"? - Lee Boyce 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Mutt Bar - Shoulders...

5 Rounds For Max Reps

Mutt Bar Klokov Press - 33lbs

Mutt Bar Wide Grip Upright Row - 33lbs

30-30-30-30-30 reps each. 300 total reps

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Mutt Bar- Arms...

5 Rounds For Max Reps

Mutt Bar Curls - 33lbs

Triceps Extensions - 33lbs

30-30-30-30-30 reps each. 300 total reps

Cash Out: 

Mutt Bar Hammer Curls - 5x12 @ 33lbs

Advanced Floor L-Sit x2 - got 25 & 18 seconds! brutal. 

Benefits of an L-Sit Exercise

  • L-Sit helps to build a seriously strong core.
  • It strengthens the triceps muscles to help an individual with other exercises like diamond push-ups, pull-ups, dips, etc.
  • It also tests the willpower of an individual and in this way, teaches him/her how to manage the tough!
  • It builds shoulders, abs, and hip flexors like few other exercises.
  • The L-sit is from one of the significant tests of core strength and stability.
  • The L-sit hold is a deviously brutal exercise with advantages that go beyond merely the visual. It does not only help chisel the abs and fill out the sleeves, but also helps a person with the deadlift, improves the health of his shoulders, and builds functional core strength as well.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Chest/Back: 10-8-6-15...


Bear Push Ups

Cash Out:

Dynamic Front Lever - 5x5

Mutt Bar Reverse Bench - 2x25 @ 66lbs

Mutt Bar Rows - 2x25 @ 66lbs

An Wheel Rollout Push Ups 

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Shoulders 10-8-6-15...

Lean Back Cable Lateral - 55-65-75-45

LeverEdge Shoulder Press - 205-230-255-190

Prime Handle Upright Row - 115-135-155-95

Cash Out:

1RM Dip - 180.25 - 1/4 pound PR! 

Fractional played for the win! 

Then, attempted 190x1 - FAIL! 

Wall Walks: 

Anatomy of the Wall Walk to Handstand

In this exercise, almost all the active muscles contract isometrically.

In the animation, we can see the chain of muscles that stabilize the body each time the body leaves the floor.

The deltoid muscles stabilize the shoulder in flex position, hands above head.

The rotator cuff stabilizes the shoulder joint.

The core muscles stabilize the spine.

The triceps stabilize the elbow joint and maintains elbow extension.

 Target Muscles



+ Abdominal muscles

+ Triceps Brachii

Synergists Stabilizers

+ Deltoid

+ Trapezius

+ Abdominal muscles

+ Erector spinae

+ Serratus anterior

+ Triceps Brachii

*Via Muscle & Motion

Friday, May 21, 2021

Arms: 10-8-6-15...

Barbell Curls -  70-90-110-60

Banded Dips - thin green, Orange, thick green,


Hammer Curls - 35-40-45-30

Rope Push Downs - 100-120-140-80

Cash Out:

Red Band Pushdowns - 50 reps 

Red Band Curls - 50 reps 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Chest/Back: 10-8-6-15

Reverse Leveredge Bench Press -


Horizontal Cable Row -  120-150-180-100

Low-to-High Fly - 40-50-60-30

Headbanger Pull Up - 10-8-6-15

Cash Out - 

Red Band Strait Arm Pulldown- 40 reps 

Red Band Push Ups - 40 reps

Monday, May 17, 2021

Trap Bar Deadlift - Lowest Bar PLUS deficit...Kettlebellrob








455 - FAIL x2*

"Deficit deadlifts involve lifting a weight off the floor while standing on a raised platform. The height of the platform depends on several factors, including how tall you are, the length of your arms, your flexibility, and how much weight you want to lift.

That said, most people use a platform of between one to four inches high. The higher the platform, the harder deficit deadlifts become. Tall lifters usually need a lower platform, while shorter lifters and those with longer arms can usually use a higher one.

Doing deadlifts from a deficit has the effect of increasing your range of motion. In simple terms, you have to bend over more to grab the bar. This means, compared to deadlifts from the floor, the weight travels further per rep. While the extra distance is quite small, it makes deficit deadlifts harder than regular, non-deficit deadlifts". - Fitness Volt

*deficit: 45lb bumper 

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Shoulders 10-8-6-15....

LeverEdge Shoulder Press - 200-220-250-180

Lean Back Cable Lateral - 50-60-70-40

Prime Handle Upright Row - 110-130-150-90

Hang Clean- 95-115-135-75

Cash Out:

Planche Lean x6

Anatomically, the planche lean position helps strengthen the serratus anterior muscles that run alongside your rib cage. These are responsible for protracting your scapula and keeping your entire shoulder girdle healthy and pain-free. Aesthetically, this also means that you will have the ripped and muscular look on the side of your torso, perfect to complement the chiseled pecs, six-pack abs, and bulging biceps on the rest of your "Gymnastic Body."

To set up, begin in a plank position with your elbows locked and your shoulders stacked vertically on top of your wrists. Rotate your wrists out to about 45 degrees, and turn your feet over so you are resting on the top of the foot. Protract your shoulder blades across your back, and "pull" them down to keep them depressed. With all these steps in place, begin to lean forward, striving to get your shoulders forward in front of your hands. Do not pike your hips! You want to shift the bulk of the work into your upper body.

For something that looks relatively simple to the outside observer, there are many important nuances involved in a correct planche lean. Be sure to "choose the path of most resistance" by making these planche leans as hard as possible now, so that your tuck and straddle planche work later becomes as easy as possible. If you are hanging out in a planche lean thinking it is easy and carrying on a conversation with your training partner, then you are either an elite-level gymnast or more than likely you need to go back and make sure you are hitting all the details.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Chest/Biceps - 5x15...

LeverEdge Reverse Bench Press - 200lbs

Wide Cable Curls - 110lbs



TRX Fly - 3x8

TRX Pelican Curl - 3x8


Cash Out:

50 Decline Neutral Push Ups 

Strait Bar Curls - 3x8 @ 75lbs

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Yoke Carries & Dragon Flags...

Yoke Carries - 30x30M @ 185lbs

Dragon Flags  x2 

"This advanced move works the entire torso from head to toe. It's hard to find one exercise that can engage so many muscles at one time. This move works all the core stabilizers, and because it requires a controlled eccentric movement, it builds strength more quickly than isolated core exercises. The longer you hold the dragon flag, and the longer you take to complete each repetition, the more you get out of the exercise". 

Hanging L-Sit - 37 seconds. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Shoulders/Traps - 5x15...

Klokov Press 5x15 @ 45lbs

DB Shrugs - 5x15 @ 75lbs

L-Sit Pull Up - 2x8

Bird Pull Up - 3x5

“The Bird pull up is an L-sit behind the neck pull up and one of the hardest pull up variations for both strength and mobility.

The demands for the shoulder girdle strength and mobility are high: the legs create counter balance which almost forces your body to stay upright. This places your muscles in a difficult position to pull. 

Then, when you pull it behind the neck, it not only requires a high level of flexibility, but your arms will fly completely to the sides, which forces you to pull with shoulder adduction alone. 

This will heavily train the teres major muscle in addition to lats and other back muscularity”. - Vahva Fitness

Cash Out:

Plate Lateral Raise - 2x15 @ 25lbs

Orange Band Monkey Shrugs - 3x8

Monkey Shrugs - Shrug hard and hold the squeeze at the top, while simultaneous bending the elbows and raising the upper arms upwards. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Back/Triceps - 3x15...

Neutral Grip Pull Ups

Horizontal Row - 100lbs


Machine Close Grip BP - 3x15 @ 135lbs

Banded Dips - 3x15 - Orange Band



Cash Out:

Pull Up - 100lbs x1

Dip - 90x1, 135x1, 181.25 - FAIL 

BW Row - 50 reps 

Incline Push Ups - 50 reps

AVG HR - 133

Monday, May 10, 2021

Chest/Biceps - 5x15...

LeverEdge Reverse Bench Press - 190lbs

V-Bar Cable Curls - 60lbs



Low-to-High Cable Fly - 3x12 @ 40lbs

Behind the Body Cable Curl - 3x13 @ 40lbs


TRX Fly - 3x8

TRX Pelican Curl - 3x8


Cash Out:

50 EZ Bar Curls

50 Decline Push Ups

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Trap Bar DL - High Bar....






550 - FAIL - dropped halfway up!*

550 - FAIL

550 - FAIL

550 - FAIL

*550 would be a 5lb PR on high bar! My CNS is fried Live to fight another day. 

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Shoulder Barbell Complex...

6 hang snatches 

6 snatch grip presses

6 clean grip presses

6 hang cleans 

6 high pulls

*all at 45lbs. Repeat four times for 150 total reps.  

“This shoulder complex is going to cause the lactic acid to flow like a river. Just what the delts need for hypertrophy. The shoulders need plenty of time under tension (TUT) to grow. That means longer sets with lighter weights. The main thing to focus on is stimulating as much lactate build-up in the target muscle as possible. You need to have a high pain tolerance. Lactate accumulation through muscular work is maximized when the muscle is under tension for 45-70 seconds. This complex will take care of that”. - T Nation

Cash Out:

3 sets of 8:90

Orange Band Press 

Orange Band Iron Cross

Orange Band Upright Row

Orange Band Shrugs

Red Band Face Pulls

*Giant Set 

Cash Out:

Banded Overhead DB Raise - 3x8 @ 15lbs 

Banded DB Upright Row - 3x8 @ 15lbs

*small red band

8 Bar Muscle Ups 

Friday, May 7, 2021

"Upper Body Murph"...

20 rounds of:

5 Strict Pull Ups

10 Close Grip Push Ups

*20lb Vest

RIP Lt. Michael P. Murphy - RIP ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸

Cash Out:

Dynamic Front Lever - 3x3

Band Resistance Dips : 3x8 @ Thick Orange Band & 2x8 9 Thick Green Band

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Chest & Biceps...

LeverEdge Reverse Bench Press - 180lbs

Wide Cable Curls - 90lbs*



TRX Fly - 3x8

TRX Pelican Curl - 3x8


Cash Out:

DB Cheat Curls - 3x3 @ 70lbs

EZ Bar Cheat Curls - 3 reps @ bodyweight!(155)

Wednesday, May 5, 2021


DB Hang Snatch - 10x5 @ 35lbs

Purple Band Deadlifts - 10x5

*Planet Fitness - Hudson, NY

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Bands: Shoulders & Traps...

Orange Band Press 

Orange Band Iron Cross

Orange Band Upright Row

Orange Band Shrugs

Red Band Face Pulls

*Giant Set 

15 reps each. 3x through. 

Reverse Iron Cross Push Up - 3x8

Overhead Cable Raise - 3x8 @ 60lbs

Delt Sweeps - 3x8 @ 35lbs

Monday, May 3, 2021

Chest/Biceps - 5x15...

Machine Reverse Bench Press - 120lbs*

EZ Bar Curls - 65lbs*


Thick Green Band Push Ups - 15-15-15

Thin Green Band Curls - 15-15-15


Sunday, May 2, 2021

Trap Bar Deadlift - Low Bar...







500x1 - YES! 

That is a 20lb PR and a LIFETIME GOAL achieved! 

Cash Out:

Thick Blue Band Deadlifts - 10x5 

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Shoulders & Traps - 5x15...

LeverEdge Press - 5x15 @ 120lbs

KB Iron Cross - 5x15 @ 18lbs


Kettlebell Iron Cross (reverse lateral raise)

  • bring the weights above your head
  • guide them close past your body and push them up above your head as in the Shoulder Press
  • the arms are almost stretched out completely
  • the palms point forwards
  • brace the body
  • let the weights sink down in a wide bow very slowly, until they are parallel to the ground
  • the palms point down then
  • afterwards, guide the weights back up again with almost fully stretched out arms

Red Band Upright Row

Orange Band Shrugs


Cash Out: Human Flag - 7 seconds!