Sunday, August 29, 2021


Strict Bar Muscle Up - 5x3

The Shoulder Shocker

  • 3 Sets of 8 Reps each exercise 
  • No rest in between exercises
  1. Seated plate raise using a 25 pound weight plate.
  2. Seated lateral raise with light dumbbells (15 pounds). 
  3. Seated clean and press, strict form, using the same dumbbells. That’s a shrug, an external rotation, and half-press.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Chest/Back: 10-8-6-15...

Reverse Incline DB Press - 35-45-55-30 

Pull Downs   155-175-195-135 then, 200x10

Banded Bear Push Ups - 10-8-6-15 (Red)

L-Sit Headbanger Pull Ups - 10-8-6-15

Friday, August 27, 2021

“Yoke Runs”...

50 “Runs” x 30M @ 185lbs


AVG HR - 134 BPM

MAX HR - 159 BPM

“Weighted carries have been shown to have a positive impact on metabolic rate. Due to the full body muscular activation of the yoke walk the energy demand on the body is much higher. You can see increases in resting metabolic rate throughout a workout and some times after doing walks, which can have a positive effect on overall body composition”. - Barrbemd

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Barbell Shoulder Complex...

5x8 of:

Hang Clean & Press

Snatch Grip High Pull

Klokov Press

*Triset @ 50lbs

Hang Muscle Snatch - 8x8 @ 50lbs

DB Shrugs - 5x8 @ 75lbs

Tuck Planche Push Ups - 2x4

Reverse Iron Cross Push-Up - 2x8

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Arms: 10-8-6-15...

Seated DB Curls - 35-40-45-30

Red Banded Dips -10-8-6-15

DB Waiter Curls - 30-40-50-25 then, 60x5, 80x5 & 100x3

Rope Triceps Pushdowns - 70-90-110-60

Monday, August 23, 2021

Chest/Back: 10-8-6-15...

Gironda Dips 

Pull Downs  -  150-170-190-130

then, 205x3 & 250x1 (negative @ 15 second/s)

Banded Decline Push Ups - 10-8-6-15 (Orange)

Dynamic Front Lever - 5x3

Gironda Dips:

“You must use a parallel bar that is 33" wide, if it is not you will not receive the benefit from this movement. Anything wider or narrower will not work the pecs as desired. The most important execution of the movement is in the elbows: They must be wide and straight out from the shoulders. The head has to be in a down position with the chin resting on the upper chest and the back should be rounded forward.

Cross your feet and make certain they are slightly in front of your face, not back. Dip down as far as possible and return as high as you can. Never change this position as it isolates the pectoral muscles and limits the involvement of the triceps. Performing the movement with the elbows in will emphasize more triceps than pecs.

Very few bodybuilders perform this movement as described. It is perhaps one of the best movements for building and shaping the pecs there is. But, it must be performed correctly in order to obtain the results it is capable of providing. Do not rush the movement, which seems to be a natural tendency. Take your time and get a full stretch at the bottom and contact the pecs forcefully at the top of the movement. Do not begin the movement with the triceps, concentrate on the pecs and allow them to begin the upward motion”. - Elite Lifts 

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Trap Bar Deadlift - Low Bar...








500 - FAIL x2 

Pretty happy with 480lbs while mainly only pushing with my left leg. 

Herniated Disk & Sciatica - GFY

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Barbell Shoulder Complex...

5x8 of:
Hang Clean & Press
Snatch Grip High Pull
Klokov Press
*Triset @ 75lbs

“This shoulder complex is going to cause the lactic acid to flow like a river. Just what the delts need for hypertrophy. The shoulders need plenty of time under tension (TUT) to grow. That means longer sets with lighter weights. The main thing to focus on is stimulating as much lactate build-up in the target muscle as possible. You need to have a high pain tolerance. Lactate accumulation through muscular work is maximized when the muscle is under tension for 45-70 seconds. This complex will take care of that”. - T Nation


Friday, August 20, 2021


AFAP - 25-20-15-10-5:

Close Grip Bench Press 135

Hang Power Clean 75

Chin Up

18:20 - 2:51 PR! 

Cash Out: 

Seated Free Range Biceps Curl - 3x8 @ 40llbs

Max Dips @ 20lb Vest - 35 reps 

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Chest/Back: 10-8-6-15...

Reverse Vertical Bench Press -


Pull Downs   145-165-185-125

then, 205x3 & 250x1 (negative @ 15 second/)

Decline Push Ups - 10-8-6-15 (20lb Vest)

Headbanger Pull Up -15-10-8-6 (20lb Vest)

Cash Out - 

Front Lever - 3 seconds with 20lb Vest!

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Hang Power Cleans...

5x3 @ 135lbs - 15 reps

5x5 @ 115lbs - 25 reps 

5x7 @ 95lbs - 35 reps 

5x9 @ 75lbs - 45 reps

110 reps total 

Cash Out: Hang Muscle Snatch - 5x5 @ 75lbs

AVG HR - 135 BPM

MAX HR - 149 BPM


“While primarily a performance-based exercise, hang power cleans will get you absolutely jacked when coupled with higher rep work at the end of a workout.  

By hitting nearly 200 muscles in your body, it creates a massive anabolic surge to drive muscle growth.

They also fire up your central nervous system, which in turn, helps increase muscle fiber recruitment. This activates high threshold muscle fibers, most responsible for explosive movements and muscle growth, and stimulates a huge anabolic surge. 

Whether you want yoked traps to fill out your t-shirt or a powerful hip extension for a faster pull and stronger lockout, power cleans will help you develop a truly impressive physique”. - Roman Fitness Systems. 

Monday, August 16, 2021

Shoulders 10-8-6-15...

Lateral Plate Raise - 25-35-45-25

Lean Back Cable Lateral - 


Incline Seal Swings - 20-25-30-15

Hang Clean & Press - 3x8 @ 65lbs

Cash Out:

Hang Clean & Press - 5x5 @ 95lbs

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Arms: 10-8-6-15...

Seated DB Curls - 30-35-40-25 

Smith Reverse-Grip Press - 


*Don't bring the bar all the way down to your chest. Lower it to a few inches above to make sure the triceps are under tremendous tension the entire time.

Double Leaning High Clable Curls - 30-50-50-30

Rope Triceps Extensions


Cash Out:

Reverse Bear Push Ups - 3x5

Goblet Squat KB Curls - 3x5 @ 53lbs

Double KB Curls - 3x8 @ 35lbs

Biceps Static Flex

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Chest/Back: 10-8-6-15...

Reverse Leveredge Bench Press -


Pull Downs   140-160-180-120 then, 200x3 & 220x3

Low-to-High Fly - 40-50-60-30

Headbanger Pull Up -15-8-6

Cash Out - 

Front Lever into two close grip strict muscle ups 

Friday, August 13, 2021

Trap Bar DL - High Bar....





Hang Muscle Snatch - 8x8 @ 45lbs

First day back from Florida and have a sugar hangover from ice cream I ate last night. Lake still killing me from sciatica but I just wanted to move.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Double KB Snatches...

10x10 @ 35lbs (70)

AVG HR - 133 
MAX HR - 180

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Mutt Bar - Shoulders...

3 Rounds For Max Reps

Mutt Bar Klokov Press - 44lbs

Mutt Bar Wide Grip Upright Row - 44lbs

30-30-30 reps each. 180 total reps

Cash Out:

Mutt Bar Overhead Raises - 3x8 @ 44lbs

Mutt Bar Klokov Press - 5x15 @ 44lbsi

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Gironda 8x8 - Chest & Back...


Cash Out: Bear Push Ups - 3x8

Monday, August 9, 2021

Mutt Bar- Arms...

5 Rounds For Max Reps

Mutt Bar Curls - 33lbs

Close Grip Push Ups 

30-30-30-30-30 reps each. 300 total reps

Cash Out: 

Mutt Bar Hammer Curls - 3x12 @ 33lbs (3-1-1- tempo) 

Ab Wheel Push Ups - 3x200

Roof Sternum Chin Ups 

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Shoulders ...

Ring HSPUs - 5x5


Ring Dips

Push Ups


Cash about:

Muscle Snatch - 3x8 @ 45lbs

Klokov Press - 3x8 @ 45lbs

Friday, August 6, 2021

Trap Bar Deadlifts - Low Bar...








Very happy with 475lbs after a 3+ week layoff from deadlifts. 

Sciatica - GFY

Just needed to pick up something heavy! 

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Upper Body “Barbara”...

As Fast As Possible:

  • 5 Rounds For Time
  • 20 Strict Pull-Ups
  • 30 Push-Ups
  • 3 minutes Rest

Complete 5 rounds of the repetitions in the order written. After each set of Push Ups, you must take a 3 minute Rest. Time each round for reference and pacing purposes.

Score is total time to complete all 5 rounds, including the prescribed rest. (Note: Do not include the last 3 minute Rest period after Round 5 in your overall score.)m

Round 1: 1:03/4:03

Round 2: 1:01/8:04

Round 3: 1:04/12:08

Round 4: 1:23:16:31

Round 5: 1:17/17:48

250 reps in 17:48. Brutal. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2021


Cable Lateral Raise - 4x8 @ 15lbs

Bent-over Cable Lateral -4x8 @ 15llbs

Lying Seal Swings - 4x16 @ 15lbs

Six-Way-Delt-Raise - 5x5 @ 15lbs

DB Shrugs - 3x16 @ 75lbs

Slightly Bent-over Plate Lateral - 3x8 @ 25-45-45

Seated Snatches - 3x5 @ 30lbs

Monday, August 2, 2021

"Heavy Lynne''...

5 Rounds For Max Reps

Bench Press, Bodyweight plus 20lbs - 175lbs

Strict Pull-ups - plus 20lbs

Bench Press - 114-14-14-14-20  - 76 reps @ 175lbs 

Pull up - 14-14-14-14-20 - 76 reps @ 20lbs 

* 11 rep PR on Bench Press & Pull Ups!!!

Cash Out:

Barbell  Bodyweight Row - 3x10

TEX Hanging Fly - 3x18

Sunday, August 1, 2021


Trap Bar Press:







Sledgehammer Push Ups - 3x3 

Dynamic Front Lever - 3x5