Monday, January 31, 2022

2 Mile Walk…

AVG HR - 111 BPM
MAX HR - 128 BPM

Friday, January 28, 2022

Tested Positive for COVID…

A few days ago I tested positive for COVID. 

I thought I might have had it in December. I was sure I had either step throat or COVID or both but tested negative for step and negative (multiple times) for COVID. 

I started to experience night sweats and body aches. I subsequently tested positive. 

These two symptoms were the only new difference from the other cold like symptoms I’ve had on-and-off for almost two months: sore throat, congestion and runny nose. 

Yesterday, I took a few slow walks to get some air and move my body and slept about 9 hours last night. 

I really only had one bad day from the start of the symptoms and feel much better today. 

I knew that eventually I’d get it as total avoidance is unrealistic (and impossible). I am actually looking forward to shoveling tomorrow and resuming training sometime next week. 

I wish everyone else who gets it has the same experience that I did. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

German Volume Training - Shoulders & Lats…

Shoulders and Lats





Axle Bar Press - 85lbs



90 sec

Cannonball Pull Ups



90 sec

Bent Over Reverse Flyes - 15lbs



60 sec

Straight Arm Lat Pull Downs - 100lbs



AVG HR - 129 BPM

MAX HR - 155 BPM

Cannon Ball Pull Ups: “Using the cannonballs is exactly what makes this pull-up variation a beast.  By holding a  ball in each hand, you’ll have to keep your wrist flexed the entire time.  The tension created in the wrists and into the forearms helps develop serious pulling strength.

You’ll instantly notice the tension created in your hands is carried across your arms into your upper back.  You’ll create much more stability and contraction throughout the movement”. - Muscle & Fitness 

Monday, January 24, 2022

German Volume Training - Arms...

A-1 EZ Bar Curls - 10x10 - 60lbs

A-2 Pushdowns - 10x10 - 120lbs

A-1 Drag Curls/Reverse Curls - 3x8 @ 30lbs

B- EZ Bar Extensions - 3x8 @ 50lbs

Cash Out: Atlas Stone Holds/Curls @ 95ls 


MAX HR - 151 BPM

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Chest/Upper Back - 10x10…

Wide Grip Football Bar Press - 10x10 @ 132lbs

Reverse Barbell Row  - 10x10 @ 105lbs

Low-to-High Fly - 3x8 @ 40lbs

Horizontal Cable Row - 3x8 @ 150lbs

AVG HR - 125 BPM

MAX HR - 149 BPM

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Trap Bar DLs. 5x10 (High Bar)…





510x1 - FAIL 


The 50 reps at 330lbs took the top off of my strength. Had nothing for heavy singles at the end. 

Cash Out: Atlas Stone Shoulder - 10 @ 95lbs

Friday, January 21, 2022

German Volume Training - Shoulders…

Klokov Press - 60lbs*

Lean-back Lateral Raise - 40lbs*


Cash Out:

Delt Sweeps - 5x5 @ 25lbs

OH Plate Raise - 5x5 @ 25lbs

Hang Power Cleans - 5x5 @ 95lbs

AVG HR - 117 BPM 

MAX HR - 149 BPM

Cash Out: Atlas Stone Shoulder - 10 @ 95lbs

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

German Volume Training - Arms...

A-1 Rope Hammer Curls - 10x10 - 50lbs

A-2 Rope Pushdowns - 10x10 - 50lbs

A-1 Dips - 3x8

B-2 DB Curls - 3x8 @ 35lbs

Cash Out: Pelican Curls - 5x5

AVG HR - 115 BPM

MAX HR - 144 BPM

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

German Volume Training - Chest/Back…

Wide Grip Football Bar Press - 10x10 @ 127lbs

Reverse Barbell Bent-Over Rows - 10x10 @ 95lbs 

AVG HR - 116 BPM

MAX HR - 141 BPM

Monday, January 17, 2022

Trap Bar DL (Low) - Wagon Wheel…








565 - FAILx2 

Cash Out: Atlas Stone Shoulder 

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Hang Power Cleans…

5x5 @ 115lbs - 25 reps 

5x7 @ 95lbs - 35 reps 

5x9 @ 75lbs - 45 reps

105 reps total 

Cash Out: Hang Muscle Snatch - 5x5 @ 75lbs

AVG HR - 125 BPM

MAX HR - 150 BPM


“While primarily a performance-based exercise, hang power cleans will get you absolutely jacked when coupled with higher rep work at the end of a workout.  

By hitting nearly 200 muscles in your body, it creates a massive anabolic surge to drive muscle growth.

They also fire up your central nervous system, which in turn, helps increase muscle fiber recruitment. This activates high threshold muscle fibers, most responsible for explosive movements and muscle growth, and stimulates a huge anabolic surge. 

Whether you want yoked traps to fill out your t-shirt or a powerful hip extension for a faster pull and stronger lockout, power cleans will help you develop a truly impressive physique”. - Roman Fitness Systems. 

Saturday, January 15, 2022

7-5-3 Wave - Arms...

EZ Bar Curls -  


Push Downs:  150-160-170/160-170-180

Close Football Bar Press - 


*37lb Elite Bar

Slow Rope Hammer Curls - 4x10 @ 100lbs

Cash Out:

Atlas Stone Zercher Carry - 10x30M @ 95lbs

AVG HR - 121 BPM

MAX HR - 149 BPM

Friday, January 14, 2022

"Upper Body Murph"

20 rounds of:

5 Strict Pull Ups

10 Deficit Push Ups

*First half - 20lb Vest 

RIP Lt. Michael P. Murphy - RIP ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸

AVG HR - 127 BPM

MAX HR - 162 BPM

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Trap Bar Deadlift (low bar)…







500x3 - Tied my PR for max reps at 500! 

525 - FAIL x2’(520 is my current PR) 

Trap Bar Deadlift (low bar)…







500x3 - Tied my PR for max reps at 500! 

525 - FAIL x2’(520 is my current PR) 

Trap Bar Deadlift (low bar)…







500x3 - Tied my PR for max reps at 500! 

525 - FAIL x2’(520 is my current PR) 

Wednesday, January 12, 2022


Lateral Raise/Bent Over Lateral - 4x8/8 @ 15lbs*

*5 Delt Plate Laterals in between sets (25)

Klokov Press 

Wide Grip Upright Row 

*Superset @ 45lbs 

Cash Out:

Elevvrab Blue Band Press/Upright Row - 3x5

AVG HR - 114 BPM

MAX HR - 154 BPM

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

7-5-3 Wave - Arms…

EZ Bar Curls -  70-80-90/80-90-100

Push Downs:  140-150-160/150-160-170

Close Football Bar Press - 


*37lb Elite Bar

Slow Rope Hammer Curls - 4x10 @ 90lbs

Cash Out:

Headbanger Pull Ups - 25 reps 

AVG HR - 125 BPM

MAX HR - 154 BPM

Monday, January 10, 2022

Chest/ Back - 8x8…

TRX Fly 

TRX Row 


Cash Out: 

Roof Pull Ups

Roof Dips 

@ Lighthouse Point 

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Shoulder Complex...

3x8 of:

Hang Clean & Press

Snatch Grip High Pull

Klokov Press

*Triset @ 65lbs

Hang Power Snatch - 3x8 @ 65lbs then, 3x5 @ 95lbs

Chain Dips - 2x5 @ 64lbs then 1x10 @ 32lbs

*5 Delt Sweep & Overhead Raises in between each set. 

Cash Out: Inverted Iron Cross - x3

Friday, January 7, 2022

Arms - 7-5-3…

EZ Bar Curls -  70-80-90/80-90-100

Push Downs:  140-150-160/150-160-170

Close Football Bar Press - 


*37lb Elite Bar

Atlas Stone Lifts- 7-5-3 @ 95-115-160

Cash Out:

Ring Pull Ups - 2x10

Chain Dips - 20 reps @ 32lbs

AVG HR - 124 BPM

MAX HR - 149 BPM

Thursday, January 6, 2022

7-5-3 Wave - Back & Chest...

Wide Grip Pull Down - 


Wide Football Bar Press - 


*37lb Elite Bar

Incline Reverse DB BP - 


Rope Strait Arm PullDowns 


Cash Out: Front Lever Pull Ups x2


MAX HR - 156 BPM

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Safety Bar Squats & 250lb Atlas Stone…

5x10 @ 120lbs

Safety Bar Squats...

*Red Bar is 70lbs

Cash Out:  250lb Atlas Stone - lapped it! 

Grip the stone as tightly as possible, as if you were performing a chest flye. Pull the stone up to your hips and then sit back, so the stone is in your lap. This is known as “lapping the stone.” Adjust your arms, so they’re more over the top of the stone, at the two and 10 o’clock positions. This allows you to create a shelf on your body for the stone to sit and not fall out from under you when you stand.

Stage 1 – Getting it off the floor

This portion of the lift is going to involve physically moving the stone from the floor and onto your knees.

Once the stone has been lifted to just past your knees, you’ll want to push your hips back into a position similar to that of the bottom portion of a squat.

From here you can re-adjust your grip, take in some more air and get ready for the second part of the lift.

At the start of the lift, your goal will be to get a good grip of the stone, tucking your hands right under the centre of the stone while keeping your arms as straight as possible.

Once a good grip has been established, the lift is similar to that of a stiff leg deadlift.

You’ll need to tense your arms and chest, almost trying to crush the stone with your upper body to keep that thing as close to you as possible.

This will cause tension in all the muscles in your hands while trying to maintain a grip of the stone, as well as your forearms, biceps, Front Deltoids and chest (Pectoralis major and minor).

From personal experience, I’ve found atlas stones are a game changer for bicep size and strength and overall grip strength.

Upon bracing your arms and chest around the stone, you’ll (hopefully) start the lift from the floor to your knees.

Your upper back muscles, including your traps (trapezius) and your Lats (Latissimus dorsi) will be engaged while you lift the stone and stabilise your body.

The lower back muscles including the flexors, erector spinae and the glutes (gluteus maximus) will be working as you leverage the stone up as well as your Hamstrings just below the glutes.

So for stage 1 of the stone lift the muscles worked include –  

Arms, muscles used for grip in the hands, forearms and biceps

Shoulders – Front deltoids

Chest – Pectoralis major and minor

Upper back in its entirety – trapezius and latissimus dorsi

Lower back – flexors, erector spinae, gluteus maximus

Legs – Hamstrings

*Iron & Strength 

AVG HR - 119

MAX HR - 147

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Gironda 8x8- Shoulders & Traps..

Klokov Shoulder Press - 95lbs*

KB Iron Cross - 25lbs*


Cash Out: 

Elavtab Blue Band Press - 3x5

Elavtab Blue Band Upright Row - 3x5

Cash Out: Wide  Grip Cable Upright Row - 3x8 @ 70lbs 

AVG HR - 113 BPM

MAX HR - 134 BPM

Monday, January 3, 2022

7-5-3 Wave - Arms...

Cable Curls - 


Push Downs:  130-140-150/140-150-160

Close Football Bar Press - 


*37lb Elite Bar

Seated DB Curls - 7-5-3 x2 @ 15/35/45

Cash Out: 

Blue Band Curls - 3x15

Blue Band Pushdowns -  3x15

AVG HR - 126 BPM

MAX HR - 150 BPM

Sunday, January 2, 2022

7-5-3 Wave - Back & Chest...

Wide Grip Pull Down - 


Wide Football Bar Press - 

132-152-172/152-172-192 then, 217x1

*37lb Elite Bar

Incline DB Bench Press - 


Rope Strait Arm PullDowns 


AVG HR - 122 BPM

MAX HR - 153 BPM

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Trap Bar DL - Wagon Wheel & Atlas Stone Shoulder…







562.5 - FAIL x2




*Grip is limiting factor. 

Cash Out:

Atlas Stone Shoulder - 175lbs! 

Success!  Never give up!