Thursday, March 31, 2022

Chest/Back: 10-8-6-15…

Gironda Dilps - 10-8-6-15

Leveredge  Higj Rows- 70-90-130-70

Low-to-High Fly - 40-50-60-30

MAG Strait Arm PullDowns - 100-125-150-100

Cash Out -  

Kneeling Fly - 3x8 @ 50-60-70

Dynamic Front Lever - 3x3

AVG HR - 125 BPM

MAX HR - 154 BPM

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

12 MPH Sprint Repeats…

30 seconds @ 12 MPH (5:00 pace). 

Finished my sprint repeat workout with 52 seconds @ 12 MPH. Goal is 2:00. Brutal*

* this was originally a rest day. My plan was to walk 3 miles on the treadmill at 3 mph. 

4.12 Miles 

AVG HR - 119 BPM

MAX HR - 162 BPM

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Mutt Bar - Shoulders…

5 Rounds For Max Reps

Mutt Bar Klokov Press - 33lbs

Mutt Bar Wide Grip Upright Row - 33lbs

30-30-30-30-30 reps each. 300 total reps

Cash Out:

Strict HSPUs

AVG HR - 121 BPM

MAX Hr - 153 BPM

Monday, March 28, 2022

Arms - 10-8-6-15…

KB Curls - 35lbs*

Lying KB Extensions*

Mutt Bar Curls - 44-55-66-33*

Mutt Bar Triceps Extensions - 44-55-66-33*


Cash Out: 

Pelican Curls - 5x5

Isometric Static Flex

Roof Sternum Pull Ups - 5x5 

AVG HR - 122 BPM

MAX HR - 158 BPM

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Rest Day…

Flew to Orlando with Jack. No training today. 

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Chest/Back: 10-8-6-15...

Reverse Leveredge BP - 180-210-240-180

Pit Shark Reverse Rows - 200-130-260-200

Low-to-High Fly - 50-60-70-40

Cable Row -160-200-240-150

Cash Out: 

Ring Push Up - 3x8

Ring Rows - 3x8

Tuck Planche Push Ups - 3x5

AVG HR - 122 BPM

MAX HR - 153 BPM

Friday, March 25, 2022

Sprint Repeats & Hang Power Cleans…

Sprints - 20x10M  @ 85%

HPC - 5x5 @ 95lbs

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Shoulder Barbell Complex...

6 hang snatches 

6 snatch grip presses

6 clean grip presses

6 hang cleans 

6 high pulls

*all at 65lbs. Repeat four times for 150

total reps.  

“This shoulder complex is going to cause the lactic acid to flow like a river. Just what the delts need for hypertrophy. The shoulders need plenty of time under tension (TUT) to grow. That means longer sets with lighter weights. The main thing to focus on is stimulating as much lactate build-up in the target muscle as possible. You need to have a high pain tolerance. Lactate accumulation through muscular work is maximized when the muscle is under tension for 45-70 seconds. This complex will take care of that”. - T Nation

Bent-over Delt Sweeps - 5x8 @ 25lbs

Cash Out: Standing Face Pull - 5x8 @ 60lbs

AVG HR - 118 BPM

MAX HR - 152 BPM

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Arms: 10-8-6-15…

Kettlebell Curls - 35-44-53-26 (Hammer 15)

CG Vertical Press - 165-180-195-150

EZ Bar Curls - 90-100-110-80

Rope Triceps Pushdowns - 120-140-160-110

Cash Out: 

21s - 3 x 40lbs 

Seated EZ Bar Tri Extensions -3x15 @ 30lbs 

AVG HR - 1118 BPM

MAX HR -  155 BPM

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Chest/Back: 10-8-6-15...

Reverse Incline DB Press - 40-50-60-35

Pull Downs  - 160-180-200-140

Low-to-High Fly - 40-50-60-30

Cannonball Pull Ups - 10-8-6-15

Cash Out EZ Bar Reverse Rows - 3x8 @ 110lbs

Cannon Ball Pull Ups: “Using the cannonballs is exactly what makes this pull-up variation a beast.  By holding a  ball in each hand, you’ll have to keep your wrist flexed the entire time.  The tension created in the wrists and into the forearms helps develop serious pulling strength.

You’ll instantly notice the tension created in your hands is carried across your arms into your upper back.  You’ll create much more stability and contraction throughout the movement”. - Muscle & Fitness 

AVG HR - 122 BPM

MAX HR - 152 BPM

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Trap Bar Deadlifts - 500lbs x 5zzz

Did 500lbs for 3. Tied my PR. Pissed at myself because I knew I could have done a 4th rep. 

Did another set and got 5 reps at 500lbs! 2 rep PR! 

Lift heavy. Fear Nothing. 

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Shoulders & Traps - 8x8...KettlebellRob

Strict Military Press - 8x8 @ 95lbs

Rope Upright Row - 8x8 @ 100lbs


Cash Put:

Delt Sweeps - 4x8 @ 25lbs*

Bent-arm Planche 

AVG HR - 129 BPM

MAX HR - 155 BPM 

Friday, March 18, 2022

Arms: 10-8-6-15…

DB Hammer Curls - 45-50-55-40

CG Vertical Press - 150-165-180-135

EZ Bar Curls - 90-100-110-80

Triceps Pushdowns - 120-140-160-100

Cash Out: 

Pelican Curls - 3x5

AVG HR - 120 BPM

MAX HR -  146 BPM

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Chest/Back: 10-8-6-15...

Reverse Incline DB Press - 35-45-55-30 

Pull Downs  -  155-175-195-135 

Banded Bear Push Ups - 10-8-6-15 (Red)

L-Sit Headbanger Pull Ups - 10-8-6-15

The Headbanger Pull Up is a push and pull motion, wich really works your deltoids, your biceps, your forearms and your back.

Bring your legs up into an L-sit position, in order to activate your core muscles too.

AVG HR - 123 BPM

MAX HR - 149 BPM

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Atlas Stone “Runs” & Shuttle Runs…

Atlas Stone “Runs” - 10x30M @ 95lbs

Shuttle Runs - 10x10M - AFAP 

Tuesday, March 15, 2022


Red Band Snatch

Red Band Shoulder Press

Red Band Face Pull

*Triset - 3x8

Wide Grip Green Bamd Upright Rows - 3x15

 Cable Shrugs - 3x8 @ 500lbs (250 each hand)

Seated Cable Snatch - 3x8 @ 30lbs

Monday, March 14, 2022

Arms: 10-8-6-15…

Seated DB Curls - 40-45-50-35

CG Vertical Press - 135-150-165-120

EZ Bar Curls - 80-90-100-70

Rope Triceps Pushdowns - 110-130-150-90

Cash Out: 

Planche Training 

AVG HR - 121 BPM

MAX HR -  152 BPM

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Chest/Back: 10-8-6-15…

Hanging Ring Flys - 10-8-6-15

Ring  BW Rows- 10-8-6-15

Banded Push Ups - 

10 - Green 

8 - Gray

6 - Blue

15 - Orange 

Underhand Cable Row -140-180-220-140

Cash Out -  

Kneeling Fly - 3x8 @ 50lbs 

Dynamic Front Lever - 3x3

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Trap Bar Deadlifts - High Bar

510 x 5!*

Dropped at the top on the last rep. My grip is the limiting factor. 

"Your 500 pound 1RM is impressive. 
Do you know what's more impressive than going for 505 or 510 the next time? Hitting the same 500 for two or three reps.  Forget the extra five or 10 pounds for "progressive overload. You just doubled or tripled the work you did for 500”. - Lee Boyce 

Friday, March 11, 2022


Lateral Plate Raise - 3x15 @ 25lbs

Overhead Plate Raises - 3x15 @ 25lbs 

Prime Handle Cable Upright Row - 3x15 @ 70lbs

Cash Out:

Pike HSPU - 1x15

Hang Clean & Press - 1x15 @ 75lbs

Cable Lateral Raises - 3x5/5 @ 30-40-50-60

AVG HR - 122 BPM

MAX HR - 149 BPM


Thursday, March 10, 2022

Arms: 10-8-6-15…

Reverse Preacher DB Hammer Curls - 20-25-30-20

Close Grip Vertical BP - 120-135-150-120

Green Band Curls - 5x15

Ornate Band Triceps Pushdowns - 5x15 

AVG HR - 123 BPM

MAX HR -  148 BPM

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Chest/Back: 10-8-6-15…

Reverse Vertical Bench Press -


Pit Shark Rows - 140-180-230-140

Banded Push Ups - 

10 - Green 

8 - Gray

6 - Blue

15 - Orange 

Headbanger Pull Up -10-8-6-15 (32lb Chains)

Cash Out -  

Low-to-High Fly - 3x8 @ 40lbs 

Dead Stop DB Floor Press - 3x8 @ 75lbs 

Front Lever x 3

AVG HR - 128 BPM

MAX HR - 153 BPM

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Trap Bar Deadlift - Max Reps @ 315lbs

Got 30 reps @ 2x my body weight (5 Rep PR!)

Then, 5x5 @ 225lbs 

AVG HR - 121 BPM

MAX HR - 149 BPM

Monday, March 7, 2022

Shoulders 10-8-6-15...

Lateral Plate Raise - 25-35-45-25

Lean Back Cable Lateral - 


Lying Reverse Seal Swings - 20-25-30-15

Cash Out:

Hang Clean & Press - 5-5-5-5-10 @ 75lbs

AVG HR - 122 BPM

MAX HR - 158 BPM


Sunday, March 6, 2022

Arms: 10-8-6-15…

Seated DB Curls - 35-40-45-30

Orange Banded Dips -10-8-6-15

EZ Bar Curls - 70-80-90-60

Rope Triceps Pushdowns - 90-110-130-80

Cash Out: 

Pelican Curls - 5x5

Parallel Bar Dips. 5x8 

AVG HR - 118 BPM

MAX HR -  150 BPM

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Chest/Back: 10-8-6-15…

Reverse Vertical Bench Press -


Pit Shark Rows - 90-140-190-140

then, 230x2x5

Banded Push Ups - 

10 - Orange 

8 - Green

6 - Gray

15 - Orange 

Headbanger Pull Up -15-10-8-6 

Cash Out -  

Pelican Push Up - 3x5

Front Lever 

AVG HR - 127 BPM

MAX HR - 154 BPM

Friday, March 4, 2022

Trap Bar Deadlift (low bar)



425x10 - goal is 20 reps. 

10M Sprint Repeats 

AVG HR - 127 BPM

MAX HR - 150 BPM

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Shoulders 10-8-6-15...

Mutt Bar Klokov Press - 44-55-66-44

Mutt Bar OH Raise - 44-55-66-44

Mutt Bar Upright Row - 44-55-66-44

Cash Out: 

Klokov Press - 3x15 @ 44lbs

HSPUS - 4-5-8-10

AVG HR - 121 BPM

MAX HR - 152 BPM

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Arms - 10-8-6-15…

KB Curls - 35lbs*

Lying KB Extensions*

Mutt Bar Curls - 33lbs*

Mutt BarTriceps Extensions - 33lbs*


Cash Out: 

BB Hammer Curls - 3x12 @ 33lbs (3-1-1) 

Isometric Static Flex

Around-the-World Pull Ups

AVG HR - 134 BPM

MAX HR - 158 BPM