Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Chest & Back…

Machine Incline Press 5x12 @ 140lbs

Power Floor Fly - 5x12 @ 50lbs* then, 1x12. @ 60lbs

* “The power flye is basically a cross between a flye and a dumbbell bench press. The elbows stay at roughly a 90 degree angle. This is normally done on a flat or inclined bench.

With this floor version, the triceps should touch the floor but not the dumbbells. This makes the chest do more work without compromising shoulder health. Pause briefly at the bottom of each rep”. - T Nation

“Try the tempo-contrast method to maximize growth and improve the mind-muscle connection. It consists of alternating between slow and normal reps”. - T Nation

You start by doing two slow reps, then do two fast reps, two more slow reps, two more fast reps, and so on. Here's how it looks with pull-ups:


  • First Rep: Slow (6 seconds down, 3 seconds up)
  • Second Rep: Slow (6 seconds down, 3 seconds up)
  • Third Rep: Fast (2 seconds down, 1 second up)
  • Fourth Rep: Fast (2 seconds down, 1 second up)
  • Fifth Rep: Slow (6 seconds down, 3 seconds up)
  • Sixth Rep: Slow (6 seconds down, 3 second
  • Seventh Rep : Fast (2 seconds down, 1 second up)
  • Eighth Rep: Fast (2 seconds down, 1 second up)

3 sets of 8 reps. 48 seconds of time-under-tension per set. 142 total seconds of TUT.! 

24 pull ups have never been so brutal

AVG HR - 119 BPM

MAX HR - 143 BPM

@ Planet Fitness Clifton Park @ 7:45pm 

Monday, January 30, 2023

Kettlebell Swings…

I did two-handed swings with the 24kg bell today.  First time doing high volume swings in a long while. Mostly overhead (Amerocan). Mixed in some Russian Swings. The plan is r work up to 1,000. 

Swings - 24kg bell - 250 reps

13.250lbs  total!  My grip is fried! 

Cash Out: Figure 8/Hold - 5x5 @ 53lbs

AVG HR - 126 BPM

MAX HR - 156 BPM


Sunday, January 29, 2023

Mutt Bar - Shoulders…

10 sets of 5 of:

Mutt Bar Bradford Press: 66lbs

Mutt Bar Overhead Raise: 66lbs


Cash Out: Kettlebell 8 Press - 5x5 @ 35lbs then, 2x5 @ 53lbs

“Holding a kettlebell, press it out away from your torso until arms are parallel to the floor, with hands and elbows at shoulder level. Use your shoulder strength to draw a figure 8 with the kettlebell, then return to the start position”. - AthleanX 

AVG HR - 119 BPM

MAX HR - 160 BPM

The Bradford Press: "Begin with a standard front or clean grip position with the bar just above your upper chest. Press up like you would for a military press. But once the bar clears the top of your head you need to bring it behind your neck until it comes in line with your ears. And from there you press it back up and return to the front position. There’s no lock out at the top of the movement, and practically all of the work is done by your deltoids and upper trapezius rather than pressing the whole way up by using your triceps. That’s one rep. When you perform a standard shoulder press you find that you ‘lose’ tension at the top of the movement as the triceps extend to drive the weight upwards and take over.

But with a Bradford press you never give your delts any respite. They never get a chance to rest at the top of the movement. By minimizing intra-set recovery and momentum, you can place a huge stimulus on your shoulders through every rep and every set. Continuous tension helps you build muscle, even with lighter loads. When the muscle is in a constant state of contraction it suffers from a reduction in blood flow and therefore oxygen (this is called a hypoxic state)". - SpotMeBro.Com

Saturday, January 28, 2023


Kettlebell Skull Crushers  - 7x15@ 35lbs*

Blue Band Curls - 7x15*

*Mutt Bar Reverse Curls - 4 reps in between each round @ 44lbs

Cash Out: 

Kettlebell Curls @ 35lbs

Kettlebell ISO Hold @ 35lbs

Stato-Dynamic Curls @ 35lbs

AVG HR - 122 BPM

MAX HR - 159 BPM


Friday, January 27, 2023

Rest Day…

Took a rest day. 
Bruins/Bolts last night. 

Drove back from Tampa. 

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Kettlebell Power Fly & Row..

3 Rounds For Max Reps

Kettlebell Power Floor Fly : 35lbs

One-arm Kettlebell Row: 53lbs

Press: 25-25-25

Row: 15-15-15 (each side)

*rest as needed between sets and movements. Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.

Cash Out: 

OH Kettlebell Swings - 3x5 & 53lbs

Double Upper Clavicle KB Raise - 5x5 @ 35lbs  - this exercise trains both delts and the upper clavicle of the chest. 

KB High Pull - 2x10 @ 35lbs

AVG HR - 127 BPM

MAX HR - 159 BPM

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Bands: Shoulders & Traps..

Blue Band Press 

Blue Band Lateral Raise 

Blue Band Upright Row

Blue Band Shrugs

*Giant Set 

8 reps each. 5x  through. 

Cash Out:

Blue Band Rear Fly/Face Pull Combo - 10x8/8

AVG HR - 109 BPM

MAX HR - 142 BPM

Monday, January 23, 2023


DB Extensions - 8x8 @ 20lbs

DB Hammer Curls - 8x8 @ 20lbs

*Blue Band Reverse Curls - 10 reps in between each round

Cash Out:

Wide Mutt Bar Curls - 5x5 @ 66lbs

Mutt Bar Extensions - 5x5 @ 66lbs

Diamond Push Ups - 2x25

The muscles involved in reverse curls are:

Biceps brachii – biceps brachii is usually just called your biceps. The biceps has two origin points up on your shoulder, and one insertion point down on your forearm. It’s a biaxial muscle, which means it crosses and affects two joints. The functions of the biceps are:

  • Shoulder flexion
  • Elbow flexion
  • Supination of the forearm

Brachioradialis – the brachioradialis is one of your main forearm muscles. A well-developed will push your biceps out, making for a more impressive upper arm. This will make your biceps look bigger, simply by “propping it up” from beneath. The brachioradialis muscle works alongside the biceps brachii to flex the elbow. It is also a forearm flexor.

Brachialis – located beneath the biceps brachii, the brachialis is another elbow flexor that is especially active at the start of any curling movement. Like Brachioradialis, it can push your biceps up to add to your arm size and shape

Because reverse curls work your biceps AND your forearms at the same time, they save you from having to work these muscle groups separately. If you are short on time, this arm training twofer could be very welcome.

If you want big biceps and bowling pin forearms, this is the move for you. Reverse curls will change how your arms look, giving you upper AND lower arms you can be proud of”. - Fitness Volt 

AVG HR - 112 BPM

MAX HR - 145 BPM

Sunday, January 22, 2023

"KB Batwing Lynne"…

5 Rounds For Max Reps

Reverse KB Floor Press: 35lbs

Kettlebell Batwing Gorilla Row: 35lbs

Press: 25-25-25-25-25

Row: 12-12-12-12-12 (each side)

*rest as needed between sets and movements. Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.

Reverse KB Floor Press

"Using a reverse grip shifts the emphasis to the upper pecs, mainly the clavicular head. Your shoulders and triceps continue to assist — although the triceps work harder as compared to a standard press — while the biceps again stabilize your movements. The effect is similar to performing the exercise on an incline bench. Using a reverse grip and spreading your hands a few inches wider than shoulder-width apart increases the intensity on your upper pecs by about 27 percent, relative to the standard bench press, according to Muscle & Fitness”. - Chron.Com

KB Batwing Gorilla Rows:


Take a shoulder to slightly wider than shoulder stance.

  • HINGE into the hips
  • Maintain a small low back arch and get the chest up
  • Shoulders DOWN, into the back pockets
  • Chin/ head in neutral
  • Row BOTH kettlebells into the hips and HOLD them at the ribcage for maximum scapular packing.
  • Row ONE bell at a time, keeping the other shoulder PACKED (lat tight) the whole time.
  • No rotation through the shoulders or torso, stay flat.

Cash Out: 

Slow Roof Pull Ups - 10 reps

Upper Clavicle Raise - 5x5 @ 25lbs - this exercise trains from delts and the upper clavicle of the chest. 

AVG HR - 127 BPM

MAX HR - 148 BPM

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Double KB Thrusters & Double KB Swings

DB Thrusters - 6x10 @ 35lbs (70) 

Double KB Swings - 4x15 @ 35lbs (70)

Cash Out: 3x15 OH Kettlebell Swings @ 53lbs

AVG HR - 133 BPM

MAX HR - 156 BPM


Friday, January 20, 2023

Mutt Bar - Shoulders

Mutt Bar Klokov Press - 5x10 @ 44lbs

Mutt Bar Wide Grip Upright Row - 5x10 @ 44lbs

Cash Out:

Kettlebell Halo - 5x5/5 @ 53lbs

Figure 8/Hold - 5x5/5 @ 53lbs

AVG HR - 120 BPM

MAX HR - 148 BPM

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Rest Day…

 Got 4:39 of sleep last night. Flying back to S. FLA from Albany. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Gironda 8x8 - Arms

Pelican Curls*

Close Grip Push Ups*


EZ Bar Curls - 60ls*

Ez Bar Extensions - 60lbs*


Cash Out:

Around-the-World Pull Up - 2x/3

Neutral Grip Ladder Pull Ups - got 22! 

AVG HR - 122 BPM

MAX HR - 141 BPM

*@ Planet Fitness Clifton Park

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Chest/Back - Negative Accentuated Reps…

Negative Accentuated Machine Incline Bench Press - 5x10 @ 140lbs then, 170x3, 190x3 & 210x2*

Negative Accentuated Seated Underhand Row - 5x10  @ 170lbs then, 210x3, 230x3 & 250x3*

*do 1/2 reps and keep constant tension. No lockout at bottom or top! 

Cash Out: 

1-arm Low-to-High Fly - 8 @ 20-25-30-35

Strait Arm Rope PullDowns - 10 @ 42.5-50-57.5-65

Upper Clavicle Raise - 5x5 @ 30lbs - this exercise trains from delts and the upper clavicle of the chest. 


TRX Fly - 5x8 

The Monkey Bar/“s - 5 passes 

4 Bar Muscle Ups

AVG HR - 122 BPM

MAX HR - 148 BPM

@ Planet Fitness Clifton Park

Monday, January 16, 2023

Double DB Devils Press - AFAP…

Double DB Devils Press - 7x10 @ 20lbs* 

*AFAP - 48-40-38-34-34-33-32 seconds. 

32 seconds was the fastest. 29 is the goals!

AVG HR - 135 BPM

MAX HR - 161 BPM


Sunday, January 15, 2023

Rest Day…

Drove Jaiden back to Tampa. 8 hour drive round trip. 

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Mutt Bar Dumbbells - Shoulders - 8x8

Lateral Raise/Overhead Raise Combo @ 20lbs

DB Upright Row - 4x8 @ 20lbs

Cash Out: Chest Facing Wall HSPUs - 15 reps 

Chest to wall HSPUs more properly mimics the way your body will move in a freestanding handstand pushup. When doing it back-to-wall, you're encouraging high back arch and also allowing for wide elbows - which makes the movement easier to perform. This version is a lot more difficult. 

AVG HR - 121 BPM

MAX HR - 146 BPM 

Friday, January 13, 2023

Mutt Bar- Arms...

3 Rounds - 30 reps each round

Mutt Bar Curls - 55lbs - 8 Wide, 8 Closer, 8 Hammer Grip & 6 Wide 

Mutt Bar Extensions - 55lbs - Hammer Grip 

30 reps each round. 180 total reps

Cash Out: 

Mutt Bar Curls - 3x8 @ 66lbs  - 2 second eccentric 

Mutt Bar Extensions - 3x8 @ 66lbs - 2 second eccentric 

Mutt Bar Tabata Curls - 4 rounds @ 33lbs 20-20-20-17 (77 reps) 

Isometric Static Flex - “For this exercise, you don’t need any equipment.  All you need to do is flex your biceps as if you were curling a barbell or dumbbell and keep the muscle contracted with your arm at 90-degrees.  Then, using your opposite hand, apply downward pressure to the forearm associated with the flexed muscle.  Resist the pressure and hold for 10-15 seconds and then switch to do the same with the other arm. 

Isometric holds for biceps can help increase the metabolic demands and metabolites such as lactate which may result in an increased production of natural anabolic hormones in your body.  This increase in anabolic hormones can help facilitate new muscle growth (hypertrophy) through improved recovery and repair while the isometric hold itself is helping to flood the muscle with nutrients and blood – allowing you to further stretch out the fascia constricting your muscle. 

Through the use of isometric holds for biceps, you have the ability to recruit more muscle fibers as when compared to the standard concentric and eccentric movement of an exercise.  In order to increase strength, you need maximum fiber recruitment which can take place during isometric holds.  Using isometric holds in your training can help reprogram your neuromuscular system to recruit and fire more muscle fibers when training with weights which can help improve your overall muscle strength”. - Evogen Nutrition 

AVG HR - 126 BPM

MAX HR - 146 BPM

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Chest & Back - 8x8…

Mutt Bar Reverse BP - 8x8 @ 44lbs

Mutt Bar Reverse Row - 8x8 @ 44lbs

30-10-30 of the above @ 44lbs

“The Stimulate method is called 30-10-30, which involves doing two 30-second negatives, in a certain way, with 10 optimized reps between them. If done correctly, 30-10-30 triggers HUGE imp

rovements in your training gains”. - T Nation

Dumbbell Fly- 3x8 @ 30lbs

Dumbbell High Pull - 3x8 @ 30lbs

DB Fly - 30-10-30 @ 30lbs

DB Row - 30-10-30 @ 30lbs

Cash Out:

Max Reps Push Ups in 60 seconds - 66! (1Rep PR.) I got 39 on first 30 seconds Goal is 70. 

Max Roof Pull Ups - 29! 2 Rep PR! 

AVG HR - 116 BPM

MAX HR - 160 BPM

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Mutt Bar Snatch…

44lb bar - 10x10 - 100 reps 

AVG HR - 132 BPM

MAX HR - 153 BPM

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Mutt Bar - Shoulders…

3 Rounds For Max Reps

MB Klokov Press - 33lbs

MB Slightly Bent-over Upright Row - 33lbs

50-50-50 reps each. 300 total reps

Cash Out:

Mutt Bar OH Raise - 3x5 @ 66lbs

TRX Rear Fly - 5x8

AVG HR - 127 BPM

MAX HR - 189 BPM

Monday, January 9, 2023

Mutt Bar- Arms...

5 Rounds - 30 reps each round

Mutt Bar Curls - 44lbs - 8 Wide, 8 Closer, 8 Hammer Grip & 6 Wide 

Mutt Bar Extensions - 44lbs - Hammer Grip 

30 reps each round. 180 total reps

Cash Out: 

Isometric Static Flex

Blue Band Curls - 3x10

Blue Band Reverse Curls - 3x10

AVG HR - 120 BPM

MAX HR - 140 BPM

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Chest/ Back - 4x16…

TRX Fly 

TRX Row 


Cash Out: 

TRX Face Pulls - 3x8

Bear Push Ups - 3x8

Around-the-World Pull Ups - 2x3/3

You definitely can build muscle with your own bodyweight if you manipulate the leverage used. 

AVG HR - 129 BPM

MAX HR - 156 BPM

@ Lighthouse Point 

#Beer,Push-up #TRXFacePaul #AroundTheWorldPullUp #kettlebellrob 

Friday, January 6, 2023

2 Mile Walk - 20lb Vest…

AVG HR - 114 BPM
MAX HR - 135 BPM

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Dumbbell Complex - Shoulders…

Lateral Raise/Bent-over Lateral Raise Complex - 8x8 @ 20lbs*

16 reps each combo.  128- total reps. 

*Plate Sweeps - sets of 5 in between sets @ 45lbs 

Rope Face Pull - 8x8 @ 40lbs

AVG HR - 118 BPM

MAX HR - 142 BPM

Planet Fitness - Clifton Park

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Gironda 8x8 - Arms…

DB Curls @ 35lbs then, 3x3 @ 50ls 

DB Extensions @ 55lbs

*Iso Flex on between sets 

Cash Out:

Pelican Curls - 5x5

AVG HR - 119

MAX HR - 148

*@ Planet Fitness Clifton Park

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Kettlebell Chest/Back - 4x16...

Kettlebell Floor Press - 4x16 @ 53lbs

Kettlebell Row- 4x16 @ 53lbs


Cash Out: 

Renegade Rows 5x5 @ 53lbs

“Renegade rows with pushups is one of the best routines for hammering the entire body at once.

The pushup portion works the pectoralis (chest) muscles, as well as triceps muscles (back of upper arms) and anterior deltoids (front of shoulders).

Pushups also engage the core (lower back and abdominals), since these muscles must isometrically contract to allow the pushup motion (isometrically means that the muscles do not lengthen or shorten while remaining under tension).

The rowing aspect of the renegade targets the middle back muscles (chiefly the rhomboids), the biceps muscles (front of upper arms), and the forearm muscles. The plank position that precedes each rowing motion engages the core”. - Lorra Garrick

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." - Theodore Roosevelt 

AVG HR - 125 BPM

MAX HR - 156 BPM

@ Sobo Atwood

PM - Planet Fitness Clifton Park

The Monkey Bars - 25 passes 

Monday, January 2, 2023

215lb Atlas Stone - Stood it up!

“Grip the stone as tightly as possible, as if you were performing a chest flye. Pull the stone up to your hips and then sit back, so the stone is in your lap. This is known as “lapping the stone.” Adjust your arms, so they’re more over the top of the stone, at the two and 10 o’clock positions. This allows you to create a shelf on your body for the stone to sit and not fall out from under you when you stand”. - Barbend

Stage 1 – Getting it off the floor

This portion of the lift is going to involve physically moving the stone from the floor and onto your knees.

Once the stone has been lifted to just past your knees, you’ll want to push your hips back into a position similar to that of the bottom portion of a squat.

From here you can re-adjust your grip, take in some more air and get ready for the second part of the lift.

At the start of the lift, your goal will be to get a good grip of the stone, tucking your hands right under the centre of the stone while keeping your arms as straight as possible.

Once a good grip has been established, the lift is similar to that of a stiff leg deadlift.

You’ll need to tense your arms and chest, almost trying to crush the stone with your upper body to keep that thing as close to you as possible.

This will cause tension in all the muscles in your hands while trying to maintain a grip of the stone, as well as your forearms, biceps, Front Deltoids and chest (Pectoralis major and minor).

From personal experience, I’ve found atlas stones are a game changer for bicep size and strength and overall grip strength.

Upon bracing your arms and chest around the stone, you’ll (hopefully) start the lift from the floor to your knees.

Your upper back muscles, including your traps (trapezius) and your Lats (Latissimus dorsi) will be engaged while you lift the stone and stabilise your body.

The lower back muscles including the flexors, erector spinae and the glutes (gluteus maximus) will be working as you leverage the stone up as well as your Hamstrings just below the glutes.

*Iron & Strength 

Devils Press - 5x5 @ 50lbs 

AVG HR - 116 BPM

MAX HR - 143 BPM

Sunday, January 1, 2023