Thursday, February 29, 2024

Rest Day…

In the Saratoga area today then driving back to Westchester county airport and flying back to South Florida 

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Rest day…

Another day driving around Upstate NY. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Rest Day…

Took a rest day. Lots of flying and driving today. 

Monday, February 26, 2024

3 Mile Power Walk - 20lb Vest…

Just wanted to move. 

Last time was 45:39. A 15:13 pace. 

Time was 42:24. That’s a 14:08 pace. PR of 3:15!

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Shoulders & Traps - Kettlebells…

KB See-Saw Press, immediately into:

KB Iron Cross*

*8x8 of both @ 35lbs


Kettlebell Iron Cross (reverse lateral raise)

  • bring the weights above your head
  • guide them close past your body and push them up above your head as in the Shoulder Press
  • the arms are almost stretched out completely
  • the palms point forwards
  • brace the body
  • let the weights sink down in a wide bow very slowly, until they are parallel to the ground
  • the palms point down then
  • afterwards, guide the weights back up again with almost fully stretched out arms

Cash Out: Strict KB High Pull - 4x5 @ 35lbs

AVG HR - 130 BPM 

MAX HR - 156 BPM


Saturday, February 24, 2024

Gironda 8x8 - Arms…

Kettlebell Curls @ 35lbs 

Standing Kettlebell Triceps Extensions @ 35lbs

Cash Out: 

Isometric Static Flex 

Black Band Curls - 5x5

AVG HR - 123 BPM

MAX HR - 155 BPM


Friday, February 23, 2024

Gironda 8x8 - Chest & Back…

Kettlebell Floor Press - 53lbs

Kettlebell Row - 53lbs


Low-to-High DB Fly - 3x8 - 20lbs

Dumbbell High Pull - 3x8 - 20lbs


Cash Out: 

Archer Pull ups  - 2x3

“Archer pull-ups are similar to a side pull-up but a bit more intense and look pretty badass. You'll start with an extra wider grip, but as you pull your body to one side, you will extend your support hand so that it straightens while the hand is on top of the bar, not holding it. Your non-working arm only acts as a lever in this variation”. 

AVG HR - 125 BPM

MAX HR - 158 BPM


Thursday, February 22, 2024

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Rest Day…

Taking another rest today. In Plattsburgh for the day then driving back to Clifton Park. Flying back tomorrow.  

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Rest Day…

Taking another test day. Flying to Westchester then driving north eventually to Plattsburgh. 3 hour flight and 300+ plus miles of driving today. 

Monday, February 19, 2024

2 Mile Power Walk - 20lb Vest…

Just wanted to move. 

Time was 32:37. That’s a 16:19 pace. 

Want to get that under 30:00. 

"Life is movement. Once you stop moving, you're dead. Choose life." - Eugen Sandow

AVG HR - 118 BPM

MAX HR - 140 BPM

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Rest Day…

First rest day in ten days. 

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Shoulders: 6-12-25…

Three sets of:

Kettlebell Military Press x 6 reps (53)

TRX Reverse Fly x 12 reps (BW)

TRX Face Pull x 25 rep (BW)

*132 reps total. 

Cash Out: TRX Fall Outs - 5x5

AVG HR - 124 BPM

MAX HR - 151 BPM


Friday, February 16, 2024

Arms - 6-12-25…

Three Rounds of :.


  • Kettlebell Hammer Curls x 6 reps (70)
  • Banded Curls x 12 reps (Black)
  • Two-Handed Kettlebell x 25 reps (35)


  • Mutt Bar Extension x 6 reps (66)
  • CG Kettlebell Press x 12 reps (70)
  • Banded Extensions x 25 reps (Black)

Cash Out: Roof L-Sit Chin Up - 3x5

L-Sit Chin Up…

“The L pull-up has features of both the pull-up and the half lever. This movement really forces you to use the back to pull properly, and as the legs and core have to be held in a static position as well, it means that it is almost impossible to cheat on this exercise, as long as it is performed correctly. 

With L-sit pull-ups, your legs are raised in front of you which causes the center point of gravity to change. This shift in gravity makes this pull-up variation more difficult. In addition, holding your legs raised in front of your body creates an intense isometric contraction in your abdominals and prevents you from jerking to cheat”. - Bodybuilding Wizard 

AVG HR - 125 BPM

MAX HR - 150 BPM

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Chest/Back - 6-12-25…

Three Rounds of :


  • Reverse Floor Press x 6 reps (53)
  • Banded Push Ups x 12 reps (Black)
  • Banded Power Fly x 25 reps (Black)


  • Pendlay Row x 6 reps (70)
  • Gorilla Row x 12 reps (53)
  • Band Pull Aparts x 25 reps (Black)

AVG HR - 126 BPM

MAX HR - 160 BPM

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Kettlebell Thrusters…

One round of:

*6 reps @ 53lbs

*12 reps @ 35lbs

*25 reps @ 20lbs

“The kettlebell thruster is a combination exercise that uses over 600 muscles in the body.

The kettlebell squat is already a huge multi-jointed exercise that requires muscle activation from the legs, hips, core and back.

Once you add the overhead press to the movement then you gain additional muscle activation from the shoulders, arms, upper back and even the chest.

Due to the large amount of muscle activation the thruster becomes very cardiovascular too. The more muscles used during an exercise the more oxygen is required to power the movement.

Driving a kettlebell overhead also requires additional work from the heart in order to pump the blood up and into the top hand.

So the kb thruster is not only a full body muscle conditioning exercise but also great for your cardio as well as being a big calorie burner”. - Kettlebeleworkouts.Com 

Cash Out: KB Romanian Deadlifts - 3x15 @ 53lbs


Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Shoulders: 6-12-25…

Three sets of:

Kettlebell Iron Cross x 6 reps (35)

Mutt Bar SBO Upright Row x 12 reps (44)

Banded Shoulder Press x 25 rep (Blue)

*132 reps total. 

The 6-12-25 drop set rep scheme (43 total reps in the set) includes rep ranges that vary from relative strength, to hypertrophy, and finally to muscle endurance. Combining the three into one mega drop set with short rest periods make this one way to get out of a strength or hypertrophy rut. If you’re short on time but want to train, this strategy is a good way to get in and out of the gym quickly.

The program is very time efficient however be warned, quick does not mean easy and if your new to high intensity weight training you will experience muscle soreness.

Cash Out: KB Iron Cross - 3x5 @ 35lbs

AVG HR - 126 BPM

MAX HR - 150 BPM

Monday, February 12, 2024

Arms - 6-12-25…

Three Rounds of :.


  • Kettlebell Cheat Curls x 6 reps (53)
  • Banded Reverse Curls x 12 reps (Blue)
  • Band Curls x 25 reps (Blue)


  • Mutt Bar Extension x 6 reps (66)
  • CG Kettlebell Press x 12 reps (53)
  • CG KB Push Ups x 25 reps (53)

AVG HR - 131 BPM

MAX HR - 159 BPM

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Chest & Back - 6-12-25…

Three Rounds of :


  • Reverse Floor Press x 6 reps (53)
  • Floor Power Fly x12 reps (53)
  • Push Ups x 25 reps (BW)


  • Pendlay Row x 6 reps (70)
  • TRX Inverted Row x 12 reps (BW)
  • TRX Face Pulls x 25 reps (BW)

By breaking these sets in to 6-12-25 reps you max out your potential in short order. The first exercise at 6 reps is the strength phase. The second exercise at 12 reps is the hypertrophy phase. And the third exercise at 25 reps is the endurance phase. It incredibly important to pick your weights carefully to max out every exercise to get the most out of this workout.

Weight/load selection is important for this rep scheme. To execute this strategy you need to select a load that will challenge you to get 6 reps with good form at a 40X0 tempo (lowering phase is 4 seconds, no pause, raising phase quickly as possible, no pause, repeat). Take that load and cut it in half. Use this new load to perform 12 reps of the same movement with as little rest as possible at a 20X0 tempo. After that set it complete, cut the load that you did for 12 reps in half once again and with as little rest as possible attempt to finish 25 reps with it at a 10X0 tempo. If you find that halving the weight makes the set too easy, jump up to 55% to 60% of the previous load instead of 50%. These sets should be HARD to finish.

Brutal. Especially the third round! 

Cash Out: Black Band Pull Aparts - 8x8

AVG HR - 133 BPM

MAX HR - 166 BPM

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Legs - 6-12-25…

  • One Leg Romanian Deadlifts x 6 reps (53) 
  • Russian Swings x 12 reps (53)
  • Sumo Deadlift x 25 reps (35) 

Weight/load selection is important for this rep scheme. To execute this strategy you need to select a load that will challenge you to get 6 reps with good form at a 40X0 tempo (lowering phase is 4 seconds, no pause, raising phase quickly as possible, no pause, repeat). Take that load and cut it in half. Use this new load to perform 12 reps of the same movement with as little rest as possible at a 20X0 tempo. After that set it complete, cut the load that you did for 12 reps in half once again and with as little rest as possible attempt to finish 25 reps with it at a 10X0 tempo. If you find that halving the weight makes the set too easy, jump up to 55% to 60% of the previous load instead of 50%. These sets should be HARD to finish.

AVG HR - 120 BPM*

MAX HR - 141 BPM*

*took a 3 minute phone call in-between second and third set.