Sunday, June 30, 2024

Chest/Back- 10x3…

Valor Bar Reverse Bench Press - 176lbs

Trap Bar Rows - 250lbs

*Valor Swiss Bar - 26lbs

“Instead of thirty reps done at seventy percent intensity, this is thirty reps done at around 85% intensity. This style of training allows for much greater stimulus to be applied to the muscles, which will result in greater strength and hypertrophy along the way”. - Breaking Muscle 

Effective and painful! 

Cash Out: 

Reverse Grip BP:  30 reps @ 176lbs then, 2x1 @ 206! 

AVG HR - 118 BPM

MAX HR - 151 BPM

Saturday, June 29, 2024

LeverEdge Deadlifts…







*5lb PR!  I weighed 154lbs today. That’s 4.70x my BW! 

“Stressed? Overwhelmed? Take it out on the iron. There's a special kind of "spiritual cleansing" that occurs during intense sets. Seek it out”. - Dave Tate

AVG HR - 120 BPM

MAX HR - 144 BPM

Friday, June 28, 2024

"Shoulders - 50s”…

Barbell Military Press: 95lbs

Slightly Bent-over KB Upright Row: 97lbs

Press: 15-10-10-8-7

Upright Row: 15-10-10-8-7

*rest as needed between sets and movements. Post reps for both exercises in all rounds. 

Pick a weight that you try to do for 50 total reps over the course of three working sets. Once you're able to get a total of 50 reps over 3 sets, add weight. 

Cash Out:

Band Pull Aparts - 8x8 @ Blue

AVG HR - 136 BPM

MAX HR - 156 BPM

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Rest Day…

Rest day 
35M - Sauna 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

"Arms - Heavy 50s”…

Two Handed Kettlebell Curls: 70lbs

Kettlebell Skull Crusher/Extra ROM: 35lbs 

 *50 reps each

Curls: 15-10-10-8-7 reps 

KB Skull Crushers: 15-10-10-8-7 reps 

Effective and painful! 

Cash Out: 

One Kettlebell Chest Press - 1x15 @ 97lbs

Underhand One-Arm Kettlebell Row - 3x5 @ 97lbs

*rest as needed between sets and movements. Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.

AVG HR - 126 BPM

MAX HR - 149 BPM

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Rest Day…

Albany and back. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Gironda 8x8 - Chest & Back…

Kettlebell Reverse BP: 53lbs*

Kettlebell Seal Row: 53lbs*


AFAP - Finished in 15:20

AVG HR - 116 BPM

MAX HR - 143 BPM

Cash Out: 

Kettlebell Fly - 3x8 @ 53lbs

Rack Pull Ups - 3x8

Low-to-High Fly - 5x5 @ Blue Band


@ The Trails

Saturday, June 22, 2024

"Shoulders - 50s”…

DB Military Press: 50bs (100)

Slightly Bent-over DB Upright Row: 50lbs (100)

Press: 22-15-13

Upright Row: 22-15-13

*rest as needed between sets and movements. Post reps for both exercises in all rounds. 

Pick a weight that you try to do for 50 total reps over the course of three working sets. Once you're able to get a total of 50 reps over 3 sets, add weight. 

Cash Out:

Band Pull Aparts - 5x8 @ Orange

Reverse Iron Cross Push Ups - 3x8

DB Shrugs - 3x8 @ 110lbs


DB Military Press. 1 rep @ 80lbs (160)!

AVG HR - 122 BPM

MAX HR - 159 BPM

Friday, June 21, 2024

"Arms - Heavy 50s”…

Kettlebell Hammer Curls: 53lbs

One-KB Close BP: 97lbs 

 *50 reps each

Curls: 15-10-10-8-7 reps 

KB Close BP: 15-10-10-8-7 reps 

Effective and painful! 

Cash Out: 

Kettlebell Hammer Curls - 5x3/3 @ 70lbs

One- Arm Kettlebell Rows - 3x2/2

*rest as needed between sets and movements. Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.

“The hammer curl with kettlebells is a great bicep and biceps brachialis exercise that also heavily taxes the forearms as well as smaller muscles around the hands and wrists.  Due to the nature of the unique loading mechanism, the movement finishes with the kettlebells in an extended lever arm position, making it highly difficult yet extremely effective for placing constant tension on the arms throughout the movement”. - Advanced HumanPerformance.Com

AVG HR - 119 BPM

MAX HR - 145 BPM

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Rest Day…

Back from FLA. Headed to W. MA. Taking a rest day. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Gironda 8x8 - Chest & Back…

KB Power Floor Fly: 35lbs*

Double Kettlebell High Pull: 35lbs*


AFAP - Finished in 15:00 

AVG HR - 140 BPM

MAX HR - 162 BPM

Cash Out: 

Low-to-High KB Fly - 5x5 @ 35lbs


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Double Kettlebell Cleans…

8x8 @ 53lbs (106)

“Short on time? Looking for a full-body blaster? Kettlebell cleans bring together explosiveness, power development, strength, and flexibility”. - Barbend 

Cash Out: Double Kettlebell Snatch - 3x3 @ 53lbs 

AVG HR - 128 BPM

MAX HR - 158 BPM

Monday, June 17, 2024

8x8 - Shoulders/Traps…

Kettlebell Military Press - 35lbs

Slight Bent-over KB Upright Row - 35lbs

*Super Set

Cash Out: 

Kettlebell Iron Cross - 5x5 @ 35lbs

AVG HR - 132 BPM

MAX HR - 156 BPM


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Arms - 8x8….

Kettlebell Curls @ 35lbs 

Standing KB Triceps Extensions @ 35lbs

Cash Out: 

Isometric Static Flex 

Black Band Curls - 6x6

AVG HR - 131 BPM

MAX HR - 157 BPM


Friday, June 14, 2024

Trap Bar Deadlift (low bar - high handles)

140 x 3

230 x 3

320 x 3 

410 x 3

500  - FAIL x 2

460 x 2*

460 x 2*

*First heavy deadlifts in two months (4/9). Pretty happy. 

AVG HR - 115 BPM

MAX HR - 136 BPM

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

"Shoulders - 8x8”…

Smith Machine Military Presses - 50lbs

Wide Smith Machine Upright Row: 50lbs

Cash Out: 

Orange Bad Pull Apart- 3x8

Orange Band Face Pulls - 3x8 

Pike Push Ups - 3x5

AVG HR - 129 BPM

MAX HR - 155 BPM

@ Metfit  

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Gironda 8x8 - Chest/Back:...

Trap Bar Rows - 8x8 @ 160lbs

Reverse Bench - 8x8 @ 135lbs

Cash Out 

Trap Bar Rows - 4x3 @ 230-280-320-320

Reverse Bench - 3x3 @ 185ls 

AVG HR - 122 BPM

AMX HR - 147 BPM

@ Metfit 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Trap Bar Romanian Deadlifts…

8x8 @ 160lbs

Kettlebell RDLs - 3x3 @ 125lbs (250)

AVG HR - 120 BPM

MAX HR - 136 BPM

@ The Trails