Sunday, February 18, 2007

SSST - First Attempt

Today I tried the Secret Service Snatch Test (SSST) for the time. It is a ten minute attempt at snatching the 24kg bell for as many reps as possible. I was only able to get 135 reps but at least it is a baseline to build from. I probably should attempt next time AFTER a few days of rest. I think I was a little spent after 9 circuits of Smoking Ladders yesterday. My goal is 200 reps by the time I go to the RKC in June.

After I finished the 135 snatch reps with the 24kg bell I did the following with the 20lb Xvest:

All done circuit style:

Superplanks - 3 sets of 8
Reverse Dumbell Pushups - 3 sets of 8
Dips - 3 sets of 8
Prisoner Squats - 3 sets of f 8
Pullups - 3 sets of 8

All in all I was happy with my training today. The Xvest s great for training!

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