Wednesday, March 7, 2007

EDT Legs - 10 Minutes

I was very sore yesterday from my upper body EDT Training. More sore than I have been in years. EDT is great but I have to try to not overtrain. I decided to keep my training VERY short today.

I did a 10 minute PR of:
Double Swings - 24kg -30 reps
Overhead Squats - 16kg - 30 reps each side

As I finished the leg training I planned on doing some windmills & TGUs but the fire alarm went off at the Gold's Gym where I keep my bells. It was 5:30am and everyone had to evacuate the building. It was only 5 degrees at the time with about a 20mph wind. We would have to stand outside until the fire department cleared us to go back into the building. Needless to say someone was trying to tell me to go home and be done with my training for the day!

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