Tuesday, March 13, 2007

EDT - Legs

Today I did the same Leg EDT workout as last week but increased the intensity. My goal was to do the same amount of reps in less time. The first PR was 15 minutes instead of 20 and the second was 10 minutes instead of 15.

My first 15 minutes session was:

4 sets of 8 (40 reps) Front Squats - 24kg bells
4 sets of 10 each arm (80 reps) Snatch - 24kg bell

Then I rested 5 minutes and finished with:

4 sets of 15 (60 reps) Double Swings - 24kg bells
4 sets of 8 each side (64 total reps)Overhead Squats - 20kg bell

I finished the training with the same amount of reps in 10 minutes less training time! 25 minutes total time training instead of 35 minutes. It was a killer but I think I can do better next time.

I plan on doing a EDT - Upper Body training session tomorrow and then resting on Thursday & Friday in preparation for my GS Event on Saturday!


  1. Hi!

    So, are you taking part of the Cross World also? What are you planning on doing? I'm going to try Long Cycle with 2x24kg. We have a meet in my hometown.

  2. Yes,

    I am doing the snatch with the 24kg bell. Good Luck!
