Monday, April 30, 2007

Bodyweight Legs & Abs

The pain in my back and arm has gotten worse...not better. I need to go back to the Dr. and get an MRI and XRAY to make sure it is a pinched nerve. Obviously I injured myself ALOT more than I originally thought and have been dealing with major pain.

Yesterday I trained for the first time in 5 days. I am not going to do anything with my upper body until this issue is cleared up.

I did a circuit of the following with no rest in between exercises. I went thought it 3 times:

Prisoner Squats - 1 set of 20
Dragon Walks - 1 set of 10
Bench Jumps - 1 set of 10
Calf Raises - 1 set of 10

Then I did a circuit of ab exercises. I went though that circuit 3 times:

Decline Sit Ups - 1 set of 20
Swiss Ball Crunches - 1 set of 15
Hanging Leg Raises - 1 set of 10

Last week I tried to ease back into upper body training. I think that was a mistake. I know intend to try to let my body completely heal before I attempt to train upper body again.

PS - I am still planning on a review of the American Kettlebell Certification but have not been in the best mood to write and post. It will get done in the near future.


  1. Injuries and pain sucks..point blank. It is a good opportunity to really work your lower body and abs. I remember Steve Cotter saying on some site that he had a hand or wrist injury so he could not do upper body exercises like pushups during his martial arts classes so his instructor had him do lower body exercises in place.

  2. Rob,

    Yes, you must get your injury checked out. I have learned the hard way training way too hard through injuries and making things much worse. Do not be afraid to take a couple of weeks off if you are not getting better. I know how it is to stop training, it feels horrible as we can become addicted the to stimulation of working out. Two disc herniations laters I can attest that sometimes taking a couple of weeks of can truly allow the body to heal. If compression hurts you need to minimize compression.

    My advice, get an MRI!

    Hope things improve fast!


  3. Anonymous and Franz.I agree with both of you. I have another Dr. appointment Friday and am going to get an MRI. I have decided not to train anthing but legs until this is over. 6 weeks and counting but I can't have it get worse. Thanks for the support!

