Friday, April 13, 2007

Com. Mark Reifkind, Senior RKC has been in the strength game for over thirty years. As a national caliber gymnast, then as a bodybuilder, a powerlifter and coach for the Powerlifting Team USA, and finally a girevik, he has learned great lessons. Listen and spare yourself from years of frustration and no progress:

1) It's all easy till it's heavy.
2) If you're bored, it's not heavy enough.
3) If you seek your limits you will find them.
4) The next step off a peak is always down.
5) One should step down rather than fall off.
6) What you see depends on where you stand.
7) The higher you climb, the farther you see.
8) Simple doesn't mean easy.
9) Avoid random acts of variety.
10) Start at your goal and work backwards.
11) The more injured people are, the better they listen.
12) It's a meal, not a party.
13) You train for sport, you don’t do sport to train.
14) If you don't have a goal and a deadline you are just exercising, not training.

This advice is great and a nice reminder for people who are intense training addicts ( I know a few)! I have to admit that point numbers 4, 5 & 11 have become readily apparent to me in the last three weeks. Good info to try to keep things in perspective and have a plan of attack when training.

Thanks for the insight Mark! Much least by me.


  1. Glad you enjoyed them rob, I came by them hardstyle!lol.Injuries suck( and beleive me I can tellyou horror stories) but you do tend to learn from them if you are listening as it appears you are.

    Performance is great, being able to train and move and live pain free is better.
    Cant wait to hear what you have to say about VF's cert. enjoy and make sure your shoulder holds out!

  2. I enjoyed them very much and youn are right about living pain free. Beats pressing the beast and paying for it any day of the week!

    I will let you know my feedback on VF's cert next week. I am planning on totally resting my arm for the next week. Just bodyweight leg training and walking on an incline. Have a great weekend.

  3. 2,7,9 for me. hits home like a baseball bat. Actually they all hit home I can't really find my favorite.
    14 pretty much makes me think too.

  4. Good info to keep on your mirror to read as you go through your day! Perspective is an interesting thing to have in life.
