Tuesday, April 17, 2007

HIIT Cardo & Abs/Core

I did another HIIT cardio session today in the treadmill. I alternated walking at 4.5 mph and running at 8 mph for 15 minutes. I ended up burning 241 calories and got my heart rate up to 173 bpm. Not bad considering my maximum is supposed to be 182. I was panting during the walking phase....walking at 4.5 mph on a 15% incline is not really an active rest but it beats running at 8mph.

Then i did a circuit of ab exercises. I I went through the following circuit 4 times:

Russian Twists - 12lb shot - set of 10 - 40 total reps
Russian twists w/ Hot Potato - 12lb shot - set of 10 - 40 total reps
Sit up w/ Pullover - 12lb shot - set of 10 - 40 total reps
Reverse Crunch - set of 10 - 40 total reps
Hanging Knee Raises - set of 10 40 total reps

I finished with a set of 50 reps of:

Alternating High Steps with the 12lb shot - 50 reps each leg - 100 total reps

Grand Total: 300 reps

This injury has forced me to try to find things that I can do while not making the injury worse. I have my first PT session in about an hour and am feeling about 70% of my normal self right now. Rest was the thing I needed.

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