Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Core Work

I got the MRI results yesterday. I have an herniated disk at C5/6 in my neck and a bulging disk at C7. The next step is a cortisone or pregnizone shot in my neck to reduce the swelling on the disk and reduce the pressure on the nerve root. At least I know where I stand and will progress accordingly. That being said I am still planning on training while being careful not to make the situation worse.

Today I did some core work:

Barbell Windmills - 35lb bar - 3 set of 5 each side - 30 total reps
Get Up Sit Ups - 12kg bell - 3 sets of 5 each side - 30 total reps
Hanging Leg Raises - 3 sets of 10 - 30 total reps
Rope Crunches - 3 sets of 10 - 100lbs, 120lbs, 140lbs - 30 total reps

I am keeping a positive attitude about my injury. I know a few people with the same situation who a doing very well and I plan to join them in good health.


  1. dude, at least you know. and know this, herniations heal and bulges aren't that bad. I never thought my back would heal and it has/ still have to be careful of course but it does heal.
    you do have to do the requisite balancing of tensions so that you arent tugging on that disc all the time but it will get better.
    hang tough as I'm sure you are.


  2. Rif,

    I appreciate the feedback and am staying positive. You warned me not to get too crazy...doing multiple sets of double snatches with the 32's was not the best idea in retrospect...but..."it is what it is". I will just have to trainer smarter going forward.


  3. Damn brother, sorry to hear that. Take it easy and HEAL man. I'm rooting for you.

  4. Royce,

    Thanks! I will perservere and look at this in a positive way. I just need to change my training going forward. Rif has made some good points and I really believe that "it is not what happens to you in life but how you deal with it".


  5. you will be back, you'll heal and be a better trainer for it.

  6. Thanks Rif...I plan on it. Wayne Gretzky once said..."failing to plan is planning to fail".
