Thursday, May 10, 2007

Windmills ...And Rehab

This morning I did some windmills to increase my hip and shoulder flexibility after my injury. I did 5 sets of 5 reps on each side with the 20kg bell. It felt good to work the core and stabilize my shoulder joint with some moderate weight. I also did 3 set of 10 of hanging leg raises. I finished with 5 set of 10 triceps cable pull downs (one arm) with 30lbs. I have some considerable atrophy in my right triceps because if the nerve problem and need to get the blood flowing while helping my muscle memory kick start the healing process.

Tomorrow I have a schedule like a pro athlete in terms of rehab. I have the following schedules:

MRI - 6:15am
Chiropractor - 10 am
Physical Therapy - 10:30 am
Deep Tissue Massage 1:40pm

Enough is enough! I am going to attack this from all angles and get this thing figured about. I appreciate everyone's feedback, support, advice and guidance during this trying time. I have tried to approach this situation from a holistic viewpoint and hope that with a multi-pronged approach I will be able to regain my health and resume training. I hope this blog helps others in their quest to better themselves health wise and deal with any injuries they may encounter.


  1. Hey Rob,
    Did you mention what caused the physical problems?

  2. There was not a specific event that I rember but probably a combination of heavy presses and snatches and high rep work...done together. Not a smart move in retrospect.

  3. man I wish you lived closer rob, I would really like to take a look at your shoulder and show you some exercises.hang tough dude and really have the deep tissue people get in their and break up the myofascial restrictions to your full ROM. that is the key, of most importance because until you get that nothing else works well.
    bodywork baby!

  4. Thanks Rif!

    One day at a time. My MRI is in the am and I am hoping for a clean bill of health. The pain seems to be decreasing so I will keep my fingers crossed. The massage should help...can't hurt.

