Monday, June 25, 2007

HIT....Day 8

It has been two weeks since I resumed training. I have decided to skip legs for two weeks (I will still do some incline sprints) and mix up my training. I am adding some negatives pull ups and push ups this week. They are great exercises if you have never tried really puts alot more stress on the muscle and makes you focus on time under tension.

Incline Bench - 180 lbs/12
Row - 240 lbs/9
Lateral Raise Machine - 100 lbs/12
Hammer Shrug - 360 lbs/12
Inc DB Fly - 55 lbs/9
Negative Chip Up - 24kg KB/5
DB Curl - 55 lbs/7
Reverse Curl - 70 lbs/10
Negative Push up - Bodyweight/11

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