Sunday, July 29, 2007

AOS Essentials Test, Snatches & Wall Squats

Today I began preparing to pass the AOS Essentials Test from the course I took last week. I need to do the whole test (6 minutes without putting the bell down) with the 20kg bell. I am not strong enough on my right side yet to complete it because of my disk injury. I am going to build up my strength slowly. I have 3 months to complete the test either in person with Anthony DiLuglio or by video.

I did the test twice today. The first time I started with the 20kg bell and then moved to the 12kg bell the second pass. I am going to start with the 12kg bell going forward and work up to the 20kg bell. I am also going to mix in Providence and Smokin' Ladders to help build strength and endurance.

The test looks like this:

Right Side
Partial getup (start on floor, end standing - right) Take up to 30 sec for 1 rep
Single highpull followed by single snatch (right) repeat sequence for 30 seconds
Press (right) from rack position 30 sec
Squat (right) in rack position 30 sec
Clean (long cycle - right) 30 sec
One arm swing (right) 30 sec

Transition Drill
Figure 8 to a hold 30 sec (stop with handle in left hand)

Left Side
One arm swing (left) 30 sec
Clean (long cycle - left) 30 sec
Squat (right) in rack position 30 sec
Press (right) from rack position 30 sec
Single highpull followed by single snatch repeat sequence for 30 sec
Reverse getup (start standing, end on floor - left) Take up to 30 sec

After in finished my second pass I did:

10 sets of 5 snatches with the 16kg bells/each arm - 100 total reps and
10 sets of 5 wall squats lowering until I touched the handle of a kettlebell between my legs


  1. Rob,
    Do you need mirrors for your gym? My sister is closing her dancing school and she has wall size mirrors. You can have them for free but you will have to pick them up. Otherwise they are going in the trash.

  2. Sounds good. I am still in the beginning stages of this venture but will probably need mirrors.

  3. If you can get yourself to Randolph before the end of the month..they are yours.

  4. She is out at the end of July..short notice
