Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Art of Strength: Essentials

I took Thursday and Friday off from training because I had to go to Albany, NY for work but am happy to report that my arm/neck feels great! I hope I am on the other side of this disk problem and on my way to total health. I think the key thing was not pushing myself too hard. We shall see.

Today my wife and I attended a whole day class called The Art of Strength" Essentials in Rhode Island. Anthony DiLuglio for Punch Gym in East Providence ran it and it was great!

It focused on the 6 main - Essential - kettlebell exercises that are needed to learn correctly to you and your clients can eventually move on to the more advanced moves. The six exercises are:

Turkish Get-Up
Military Press
Front Squat

We learned the basics of each move, variation on each move and assistance exercises to correct form and help you and your clients better perform the exercises.

Anthony also put us through a killer kettlebell circuit to show us how intense kettlebell circuit training can be. In order to "Pass" the course you have to videotape yourself performing a 6 minute routine that he designed. This is to prove that you have the requisite skills necessary to teach and train a client without potentially hurting him and or her. Overall great course and a killer workout!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a great day. I hope you will do us all a huge favor and post your 6 minute video. I think we could all learn a thing or two.
