Tuesday, July 17, 2007

EDT - Upper Body

After a few days off (if you call driving 1100 miles to Toronto round trip with 4 kids time off) I am feeling better and have decided to move away from HIT and start EDT again while mixing in some kettlebell work.

I only did 15 total minutes of training today as I do not want to over do it. My training look like this:

First PR - 10 Minutes
Chest Fly Machine - 135 lbs - 4 sets of 10 - 40 reps
Negative Chin Up - 16kg bell - 4 sets of 5 - 20 reps

3 minute rest

Second PR - 5 Minutes
KB Iron Cross - 12kg bells - 3 sets of 8 - 24 reps
Bottoms Up KB Curl - 12kg bells - 3 sets of 5 - 15 reps

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