Friday, August 10, 2007

17 Minutes Of Hell....

This morning I decided to focus on a whole body workout focusing on strength and strength endurance. I picked four exercises and my goal was to complete 4 rounds of the circuit in as little time as possible. I used the 20kg bell.

My training looked like this:

C & P - 5 reps L and R
Pull ups - 5 reps
Snatch - 5 reps L and R
Alternating KB Push Up - 5 reps L and R

I ended up finishing all four rounds in 17 minutes and rested as little as possible. Because you are doing full body with no rest this training tires you very fast. Every exercise make the next harder and harder. I was smoked at the end!

The total number of reps completed were:

C & P - 20 reps L & 20 reps R - 40 reps total
Pull ups - 20 reps total
Snatch - 20 reps L & 20 reps R - 40 reps total
Alternating KB Push Up - 20 reps L & 20 reps R - 40 reps total

My goal next time I try this is 5 rounds in 17 minutes.

It is kind of funny when I am done training like this and am smoked in 17 minutes and see other people at the gym going through the motions without even breathing hard...and they have been training for over an hour and have little or no results to show for it.

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