Monday, August 13, 2007

600 Seconds of Core Work...

I have to give credit to Anthony Diluglio for inspiring me to create the following core training session. I was planning on doing some core work and began thinking of time under tension. Anthony's AOS:Essentials is basically a string of exercises without putting the bell down that creates a tremendous amount of time under tension for the muscles involved.

I wanted to do some core work and took his idea and translated it to a 10 minute continuous core training session. Imitation is the most sincere for of flattery and he has inspired me to take my training up a notch. I used the 16kg bell for the whole sequence.

Here is the "600 seconds of Core" :

  • Start on the ground with the bell in the left hand in the beginning position of a TGU
  • Do a TGU to the top position
  • Complete windmill until the bell is above your head
  • Do three reps of a figure 8/hold - with bell handle in right hand
  • Go into a snatch until the bell is above your head in your right hand
  • Complete a windmill on the right side
  • Go back to the ground using the TGU

Repeat for 10 minutes.

Feedback is appreciated!

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