Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Strength - 4 Sets of 5

I increased the weight on some of my exercises today but still am having trouble with the presses if I try the 32kg bells. I will just be patient and let it get stronger gradually.

I like the goblet squats alot because I tend to keep my back more upright then front squats. For a goblet squat you hold the bell upside down like you are holding a goblet and while keeping your elbows tucked to your sides you squat down until your elbows are inside your knees.

Swiss Ball Incline Press - 24kg bells - 4 sets of 5 - 20 reps
Renegade Rows - 32kg bells - 4 sets of 5 - 20 reps each side
Iron Cross - 24kg bells - 4 sets of 5 - 20 reps
Goblet Squats - 32kg bell - 4 sets of 5 - 20 reps
Sumo Squats - 32kg bell - 4 sets of 5 - 20 reps

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