Sunday, October 7, 2007


Today I did a freestyle workout. I intended to train just core but felt like adding a few other exercises in just for variety. I plan on taking tomorrow OFF from training.

I did the following in no particular order:

Hanging Leg Raises
Hanging Pikes
Figure 8/Hold - 16kg & 20kg bell
Slingshot - 16kg & 20kg bells
Windmill - 16kg & 20kg bells
Superman Pose
Dragon Walks
Hand to Hand Cleans - 12kg, 16kg & 20kg bells
Bottoms Up Curl - 16kg & 20kg bells
Hot Potato - 16kg & 20kg bells
Child's Pose
Bent Over Lateral Raises - 12kg bells
Swiss Ball Bent Over Lateral Raises - 8kg bells

I feel like my posterior deltoids are the one muscle group that does not get enough direct work from kettlebell training. I am going to make it a point to train them directly on a more consistent basis.


  1. Hi Rob,
    I have not seen anymore rope training? Do you think you will still do it?


  2. Mike,

    Been thinking about doing it again lately. It is good for active rest but not as fun as regular training. I am going to try to do it once every two weeks.

