Sunday, November 11, 2007

300 Reps For Time - With 40lb Xvest!

This morning I did the 300 reps for time test but added a curve: I wore my 40lb Xvest! I used the 16kg bell. The test looked like this:

25 jumping jacks
25 push ups
25 KB front squats (switch hands after 13 reps, and do 12 reps w/other hand)
25 one hand swings (LEFT HAND)
25 bent over rows (switch hands after 13 reps, and do 12 w/ other hand)
25 snatches (Switch hands after 13 reps, and do 12 reps w/other hand)
25 figure 8's into hold.
25 presses (switch hands every 3 reps)
25 one hand swings (RIGHT HAND)
25 cleans (switch hands after 13 reps, and do 12 w/other hand)
25 snatches (switch hands after 13 reps, and do 12 w/other hand)
10 windmills (5 each side)
15 burpees

This was killer and really had me winded. The push ups, snatches and burpees were probably the hardest although the whole thing was hard. Towards the end I had to focus on my breathing which made me pace myself.

My time was 19:22 and I was VERY happy about the number. I also measured my heart rate at the end and it measured 161 BPM. My weight this morning was 168.