Sunday, November 4, 2007

300 Reps For Time...

This morning I decided to do a test that was posted on The Art of Strength Forum - ( that consists of 300 total reps in as little time as possible. I used the 16kg bell for all the exercises except for the body weight ones (jumping jacks, push ups, etc)

It looks like this:

25 jumping jacks
25 push ups
25 KB front squats (switch hands after 13 reps, and do 12 reps w/other hand)
25 one hand swings (LEFT HAND)
25 bent over rows (switch hands after 13 reps, and do 12 w/ other hand)
25 snatches (Switch hands after 13 reps, and do 12 reps w/other hand)
25 figure 8's into hold.
25 presses (switch hands every 3 reps)
25 one hand swings (RIGHT HAND)
25 cleans (switch hands after 13 reps, and do 12 w/other hand)
25 snatches (switch hands after 13 reps, and do 12 w/other hand)
10 windmills (5 each side)
15 burpees

I finished in 13:47. I am going to try to improve my time for a few weeks then move up to the 20kg bell.

After the test I did the following:

Farmers Walks - 40kg bells - 4 reps @ 150 feet each
Hanging Leg Circles - 4 sets of 5 each direction
Gladiator - Body Weight - 4 set of 10 seconds on each side
L Bridge - 2 sets of 15 reps
Divebomber/Pike - 2 sets of 5

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