Thursday, March 13, 2008


My training looked like this today:

Close Grip Bench Press - 165x5, 175x5, 185x5, 175x5, 165x5 - 25 reps
Rack Curls - 3rd pin - 105lbs - 2x6/ 4th pin - 115lbs - 2x3/ 5th pin - 125lbs - 2x2

I rest the bar on the rack for 1 second in between reps. Then I move the rack up one pin and increase weight for second round and then move it up one more time. The heavy partials are great!

I super setted the following two exercises:

Rope Hammer Curl - 130lbs - 3x10 - 30 reps
Rope Tri Pushdown - 110lbs - 3x10 - 30 reps

I finished with:

Reverse Curls - 70lbs - 3x10 - 30 reps

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