Sunday, August 31, 2008

Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Workout...

I did the first 4 rounds of the Extreme KB Cardio Workout with the 16kg bell. There were 560 total reps.

My training looked like this:

The Manmaker - 100 reps
Upper Body Blast - 160 reps
Leg Burner - 120 reps
Swing Workout - 180 reps

I finished with 40 reps of Hanging Pikes.

600 total reps

Friday, August 29, 2008


I worked out for the first time this morning since Sunday. I have not taken 4 days off in a row in a ling time. It felt good to rest.

My training look like this today:

PR One - 10 Minutes:
Chin Ups - 70 reps
Dips - 70 reps

3 Minute Rest

PR Two - 5 Minutes
Incline KB Press - 28kg bells - 30 reps
2 Hand KB Curls - 28kg bell - 30 reps

I finished with:Shrugs - 105lb bells - 30 reps

Sunday, August 24, 2008


My training look like this today:

PR One - 15 Minutes:
Chin Ups - 100 reps
Dips - 100 reps

5 Minute Rest

PR Two - 10 Minutes
Military Press - 115lbs - 25 reps
DB Hammer Curls - 45lb Bells - 25 reps

I finished with:
Shrugs - 100lb bells - 50 reps

300 total reps

I plan on taking the next 6 days off from all weight training. I may swim a bit but that is all.

Friday, August 22, 2008


My training looked like this today:

I used the 16kg bell for all of my exercises.

Hand 2 Hand Cleans - 40 reps
Hot Potato - 40 reps
Windmills - 40 reps
Overhead Presses - 40 reps
Two Hand Curl - 40 reps
One Arm Row - 40 reps
KB Push Up - 40 reps
Upright Row - 40 reps
KB Hammer Curls - 40 reps
Snatches - 40 reps

I am going to CA for work tomorrow for a week and I plan on taking most of the week OFF from training. I need to give my body a break!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


My training looked like this today:

I used the 16kg bell for all exercises

I did a combo core movement consisting of: one TGU - ten Figure 8/Holds - five Windmills - then switch sides and repeat

I did the above 3 times for a total of:
  • 6 Turkish Get Ups
  • 60 Figure 8/Hold
  • 30 Windmills
Then I did:
  • 25 Hanging Pikes
  • 50 Hand 2 Hand Cleans
  • 50 Hot Potatoes
  • 3 Spiderman Planks

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


My training look like this today:

PR One - 10 Minutes:
Chin Ups - 70 reps
Dips - 70 reps

6 Minute Rest

PR Two - 7 Minutes
See Saw Press - 24kg bells - 25 reps
Two Hand KB Curl - 32kg bell - 25 reps

I finished with:
Farmers Walk - 32kg bells - 10 reps @ 150 feet each

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I am in Baltimore for work and did a quick core workout this morning consisting of:

  • Windmills - 25lb DBs
  • Super Planks
  • PLanks
  • Knee Ups

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Extreme Kettlebell Cardi Workout...

I did the first 4 rounds of the Extreme KB Cardio Workout with the 16kg bell. There were 560 total reps.

My training looked like this:

The Manmaker - 100 reps
Upper Body Blast - 160 reps
Leg Burner - 120 reps
Swing Workout - 180 reps

I finished with some bodyweight exercises:

Pull Ups - 30 reps
Dips - 30 reps
Prisoner Squats - 30 reps

Great workout. 650 total reps.

Friday, August 15, 2008


My training look like this today:

PR One - 15 Minutes:
Chin Ups - 85 reps
Dips - 85 reps

5 Minute Rest

PR Two - 10 Minutes
Iron Cross - 24kg bells - 30 reps
Two Hand KB Curl - 40kg bell - 30 reps

I plan on taking tomorrow off from training. I am taking the kids to to The Margate Resort on Lake Winnipesaukee in NH for the night.


My training look like this today:

PR One - 15 Minutes:
Chin Ups - 85 reps
Dips - 85 reps

5 Minute Rest

PR Two - 10 Minutes
Iron Cross - 24kg bells - 30 reps
Two Hand KB Curl - 40kg bell - 30 reps

I plan on taking tomorrow off from training. I am taking the kids to to The Margate Resort on Lake Winnipesaukee in NH for the night.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

KB Circuits & Core...

I did rounds 4 & 5 of the Extreme KB Cardio Workout with the 16kg bell. There were 310 total reps.

My training looked like this:
  • Swing Workout - 180 reps
  • Slingshot - 130 reps

I finished with a circuit of core movements trying to work my core from all angles:

Hanging Leg Raises - 20 reps

Gladiator - 16kg bell - 2 sets of 30 seconds each side

Super Plank - 20 reps

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Workout...

I did the first 3 rounds of the Extreme KB Cardio Workout with the 16kg bell. There were 380 total reps. I was pressed for time and beat from yesterdays EDT Training but plan on finishing the other 4 rounds tomorrow.

My training looked like this:

  • The Manmaker - 100 reps
  • Upper Body Blast - 160 reps
  • Leg Burner - 120 reps

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


My training look like this today:

PR One - 10 Minutes:
Snatch - 32kg bell - 20 reps each side - 40 total reps
Smith Machine Incline Press - 225lbs-20 reps

2 Minute Rest

PR Two - 5 Minutes
Handstand Push Ups - 24 reps
Two Hand KB Curl - 32kg bell - 24 reps

Monday, August 11, 2008


I did some core work today and used the 16kg bell for all exercises.

My training looked like this today:

Turkish Get Ups - 20 reps
Windmills - 20 reps
Swings - 100 reps
Hanging Leg Raises - 40 reps
Figure 8/Hold - 40 reps
Slingshot - 40 reps

THe above workout totaled 260 total reps for core. Good workout after doing 5 rounds of the Extreme KB Cardio Workout on Saturday. It is a killer and my legs are still a bit sore. I have been taking more glutamine and leucine lately and I seem to be recovering quicker and have been feeling great.

I bought a book on Amazon called "Better than Steroids" that is about food, food timing and different eating plans that I would recommend to anyone who wants to dial down on their diet or just change it up a bit.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Day Off...

I took today off from training.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Extreme Kettlebell Cardi Workout...

I did the 5 rounds of the Extreme KB Cardio Workout (all except the TGU's & Core) with the 16kg bell. It was pretty tough. There were 690 total reps.

My training looked like this:
  • The Manmaker - 100 reps
  • Upper Body Blast - 160 reps
  • Leg Burner - 120 reps
  • Swing Workout - 180 reps
  • Slingshot - 130 reps

Friday, August 8, 2008


My training look like this today:

PR One - 10 Minutes:
Renegade Row - 32kg bells - 20 total reps each side
Swiss Ball Incline Press - 32kg bells -40 reps

2 Minute Rest

PR Two - 6 Minutes
Military Press - 28kg bells - 24 reps
Two Hand KB Curl - 24kg bell - 30 reps

I finished with:

Shrugs - 40kg bells - 50 reps

Thursday, August 7, 2008


My training looked like this today:

Windmills - 16kg bell - 15 reps each side
Hanging Leg Raises - 15 reps
Gladiator - 16 kg bell - 3 sets of 30 seconds each side
Figure 8/Hold - 16kg bell - 15 reps each direction
Slingshot - 16kg bell - 15 reps each direction
Hand 2 Hand Swings - 16kg bell - 15 reps each arm


I did a short core workout this morning. I used the 16kg bell for all exercises.

Windmills - 15 reps each side
Hanging Leg Raises - 15 reps
Gladiator - 3 sets of 30 seconds each side
Figure 8/Hold - 15 reps each direction
Slingshot - 15 reps each direction
Hand 2 Hand Swings - 15 reps each arm

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Workout....

I did the middle two chapters of the Extreme KB Cardio workout. The chapters were:
  • Swing Workout
  • Slingshot
  • I used the 20kg bell for all the exercises. It made a big difference going from the 16kg bell to the 20kg

I finished with 6 reps of Farmers walks using the 32kg bells @ 150 feet each.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I did a EDT training session this morning incorporating combination kettlebell exercises and a few other exercises that involve rotational and multi-plane moves. The second PR focused on bodyweight exercises that are explosive and different than my normal kettlebell training.

I did the same workout as last week but decreased the total training time from 25 minutes to 19 minutes thus increasing the density. Thus - Escalating Density Training.

PR One - 12 Minutes:

Renegade Row Clean Squat & Press - 24kg bells - 15 total reps
Fighters Alternating Floor Press - 32kg bells -15 reps each side

2 Minute Rest

PR Two - 7 Minutes

Handstand Push Up - 24 reps
Explosive Clap Push Up - 24 reps

Monday, August 4, 2008

Dayy Off...

I am taking today OFF from training after an intense week of training.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

KB Circuit training...

I did the first 2 chapters of the Extreme KB Cardio workout with the 16kg bell.

The chapters were:
  • The Man Maker - 100 reps
  • Upper Body Blast - 160 reps

I finished with:

  • Dips - 50 reps
  • Chin Ups - 50 reps

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Workout....

I did the rest of the Extreme KB Cardio workout.

The chapters were:
  • Swing Workout
  • Slingshot
  • Turkish Getup
  • Core Workout

There were about 700 reps in the above workout and it was hard to catch my breath. The whole workout is over 1200 reps total!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Workout...

I did the first 3 chapters of the Extreme KB Cardio workout. It was great!
The chapters were:
  1. The Man Maker
  2. Upper Body Blast
  3. Leg Burner

I plan on trying the whole workout on Sunday.