Monday, August 11, 2008


I did some core work today and used the 16kg bell for all exercises.

My training looked like this today:

Turkish Get Ups - 20 reps
Windmills - 20 reps
Swings - 100 reps
Hanging Leg Raises - 40 reps
Figure 8/Hold - 40 reps
Slingshot - 40 reps

THe above workout totaled 260 total reps for core. Good workout after doing 5 rounds of the Extreme KB Cardio Workout on Saturday. It is a killer and my legs are still a bit sore. I have been taking more glutamine and leucine lately and I seem to be recovering quicker and have been feeling great.

I bought a book on Amazon called "Better than Steroids" that is about food, food timing and different eating plans that I would recommend to anyone who wants to dial down on their diet or just change it up a bit.

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