Friday, October 17, 2008

"The Metabolic 300"...

I got the following workout from Steve Maxwell's blog ( and decided to give it a try. A lot of the verbiage explaining the workout is his so forgive me for borrowing it. I did 3 rounds of 50 exercises with the 16kg bells and decided to finish the final 3 rounds of 50 with bodyweight exercises as it was my first time through the workout.

According to Steve, metabolic conditioning occurs when you simultaneously engage the muscular system (using full-range, whole-body movements) and the cardio system. In order to do this, you perform these exercises back-to-back, with little-to-no rest. Metabolic conditioning has an amazing effect on the body and it's the finest way to alter body composition while giving yourself a killer cardio workout. Unlike regular cardio, where you get no muscle-building benefits and, in some cases, can even lose hard-earned muscle, the Maxercise Metabolic 300 will actually contribute to building muscle while stripping away unwanted body fat. The workout is set up with five double-kettlebell movements, all performed back-to-back, without setting the kettlebell down. You have the choice of performing either 20, 15 or 10 reps (depending upon your strength & conditioning levels) using about 1/3 to 1/2 your body weight. If you perform 20 repetitions, go through the circuit three times. If you perform 15 reps, four times, and 10 reps go five times through. Each option gives you a grand total of 300 repetitions. This workout is versatile in that you can change each circuit, as long as each movement is a whole body, ie, compound movement. For the first 3 rounds/circuits, I opted for double 16kg kettlebells, which at 72# is a bit more than 1/3 my body weight, about 40%. I currently weight 165lbs.

For my first round,

I performed:
10 Double Swings
10 Double Snatches
10 Double Front Squats
10 Double Military Press
10 Renegade Rows w/ push-ups
*I did a push-up, then Row L/R for 15 reps

4 minute rest

I went into my next round, which I changed slightly:
10 See Saw Presses
10 Bent-Over Rows*w/ KB between the legs
10 Double Front Squats
10 High-Pull Swings
10 Crush push-ups

4 min rest

Next round:
10Double KB Thrusters aka Squat-to-Overhead Press
10 Double Upright Rows
10 Double Swing
15 Jump Shrugs
15 Incline KB Flys

Final 3 rounds were:

  • 25 Dips & 25 Dragon Walks
  • 50 Standing Knee Raises
  • 50 Prisoner Squats

This was a killer workout and I am looking forward to going through the first 3 rounds twice for a total of 300 reps with the double kettlebells. Thanks Steve!


  1. WOW, Rob - it sounds like you ROCKED the Maxercise Metabolic 300. I tried Steve's 300 workout about a year ago and failed miserably! I knew you'd make it through it,though. It sounds like things are still going well for you & your family, and that your training is still top notch. Did you ever make it to the RKC? I'm considering going next year, but we'll see. I've had a number of setbacks and challenges since 2007, but I'm finally getting to the root cause of my issues, which will help me attain my fitness goals. I just wanted to thank you again for helping me through a rough period last year. Your friendship was invaluable.
    Have a great weekend!!!

  2. Thanks for the kind words.I am doing my best.

    I am glad you are doing well. RKC is on the list but just trying to fit it in with 4 kids, work, life,etc. I really wanted to go last year but my disk problem would not allow it.

    Keep up the good work.

