Sunday, October 19, 2008

"Metabolic 300"...

For the first 3 rounds/circuits, I opted for double 16kg kettlebells, which at 72lbs is a bit more than 1/3 my body weight, about 40%. I currently weight 165lbs.

For my first round,I performed:
10 Double Swings
10 Double Snatches
10 Double Front Squats
10 Double Military Press
10 Renegade Rows w/ push-ups*I did a push-up, then Row L/R for 10 reps

4 minute rest

Round 2:
10 See Saw Presses
10 Bent-Over Rows*w/ KB between the legs
10 Double Front Squats
10 High-Pull Swings
10 Crush push-ups

4 min rest

Round 3:
10Double KB Thrusters aka Squat-to-Overhead Press
10 Double Upright Rows
10 Double Swing
10 Jump Shrugs
10 Incline KB Flys

I finished with 3 rounds of body weight exercises:

Final 3 rounds were:
25 Dips & 25 Pull Ups *I alternated 5 reps of each with no rest until all 50 were done
50 Push Ups
25 Bench Step Ups per Leg & 25 Prisoner Squats

EVENTUALLY I want to do the first three rounds two times but I am cooked by the time I get to round four. I assume that once my body adjust to this type of training I will be able to do it. My breathing was a lot more controlled during this training session and am confident I will adapt soon enough.

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