Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Snatches: 35 Sets of 8...

I decided to try multiple sets of snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. As the time went by my rest got a bit longer but I felt really good at the end. My breathing was regular and I probably had alot more in me. I only had 20 minutes available to train this morning but was able to get 35 sets of 8 reps at about 19:47 time. 280 total reps in under 20 minutes. I plan on training this way 2 - 3 days a week and keep increasing my sets. My ultimate goal would be 125 sets of 8 which would be 1000 snatches. It would probably take 1.5 hours so maybe I should focus on slowly increasing my sets from workout to workout.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 35 sets of 8 - 280 reps

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