Saturday, November 15, 2008

C & P/Snatch Ladder & Dips...

Today I did ladders with the 24kg bell on the C & P and snatches. I did 3 ladders with 5 rungs on each ladder.

The 3 ladders looked like this:

C & P - L & R then Snatch
1 x 1 1 rep
1 x 2 2 reps
1 x 3 3 reps
1 x 4 4 reps
1 x 5 5 reps

I did the above 3 times.

There were 15 reps each ladder for a total of:

45 C & P reps left
45 C & P reps right
90 total C & P reps

45 Snatch reps left
45 Snatch reps right
90 total snatch reps

I also did:
Dips - 5 sets of 10 - 50 reps

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