Wednesday, January 28, 2009

January 2009 Snatch #'s....

I am in California until Sunday February, 1 for work and do not have access to a kettlebell so I thought I would post my January snatch numbers.

At the end of October I decided to start snatching more and counting my snatches on a daily basis. I found a website that makes my job easier in a effort to reach 50,000 snatches.

It is -

According to the website: "We have added Snatch Challenge to the menu. This is a temporary add-on feature supporting a current 50,000 snatch challenge. The feature will display a list of all participants complete with their total number of snatches and total number of points. In addition, you will be able to view details for each daily entry (what date, how many snatches, which kettlebell and notes)."

As of yesterday I completed 4,220 snatches in the month of January and feel great. My snatch total is 16,661.

I believe that alternating light (16kg) and heavier (24kg, 28kg or 32kg) snatches allows me train both strength-endurance and strength while not over doing it poundage wise and getting injured. I am also trying to make sure I am ready for the RKC in April 2009.

My 40th Birthday is next Tuesday Feb. 3rd and I may try to do 125 sets of 8 using the MVO2 protocol for a total of 1000 reps. Seems like a great birthday present to myself and puts things in perspective in terms of my physical transformation since 5 years ago I couldn't do 10 snatches per arm without feeling like a truck hit me! I feel better @ 40 than I did @ 20. Good times!

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