Sunday, January 25, 2009

"Magic 50" & Snatches...

I got the following training from Ross Enamait's book - Infinite Intensity. It is a great strength endurance workout is takes around 15 minutes to complete.

I performed 5 circuits of the following:

5 snatches left -16kg bell
5 snatches right - 16 kg bell
5 swings left - 16 kg bell
5 swings right - 16kg bell
10 burpees

Rest 60 seconds and repeat!

The total is 50 snatches, 50 swings and 50 burpees....thus the Magic 50.

Then I did:

Snatch - 16kg bell - 150 reps

I finished with:

Burpee - 20 reps
Hanging Leg Raises - 20 reps

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