Friday, January 16, 2009

Snatches & Swings....

My training looked like this today:

Snatches - 24kg bell - 100 reps
Snatches - 16kg bell - 100 reps
Handed Swings - 24kg bell - 50 reps


  1. Hi Rob,

    I've stumbled upon your blog and find all of the info very interesting and inspiring.

    I am a beginner and I've been training with kettlebells for about 4 months and I think it's great. I haven't actually had one-on-one instruction, just YouTube and my KB's, so I'm trying to perfect my technique as best as possible.

    I've completed the ETK workout (as laid out by Anthony Diluglio) with a 24kg bell, except for the snatches which I have only been able to do with a 16kg.

    How do you go about determining your workouts in advance? I see that you have your goals laid out which helps to give you focus, but what is your workout schedule like?

    Best regards,
    Gino Gualtieri
    ggualt (at)
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada

  2. Gino,

    Thanks for the kind words. It all depends on my focus for the upcomeing months. Right now I am trying to train for:

    1. strength 2 days a week (EDT, Ladders or Triples (low reps and higher weights)

    2. Strength-Endurance 3 days a week (providence, kb circuit training or high rep snatches)

    3. Core training - ancilarry to my other training and as an active rest.

    I am also trying to keep my snatches up to get ready for the RKC in April of this year.

    This blog helps me track my training and give me ideas based on what I did in the past but my training is basically the above three things done in rotation throught the week.

    I hope this helps and enjoy the kettlebells...I do!

