Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Continuous Squat Jump & Gorilla Pull Up, Explosive Clap Push Ups, Snatches & Swings...

I wanted to keep my training simple while getting a cardio workout and some core training as well so I tried a new exercise I got from muscle and fitness called the "Continuous Squat Jump & Gorilla Pull Up".

The exercise is done like this:

  • Find a pull up bar
  • Standing underneath the bar, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the the floor and jump to grasp the bar with a wider-than-shoulder-width grip
  • Immediately perform a pull up while simultaneously doing a knee raise, bringing your knees as high as possible toward your chest
  • Lower your body under control, drop to the floor, squat and repeat with no rest in between reps

Try to make the motion as smooth and fluid as possible by landing on the balls of our feet in addition to being a great strength and core exercise if done for reps with not stopping it is a great cardio exercise!

I did 5 sets of 5 reps today for 50 total reps.

The rest of my training looked like this:

Explosive Clap Push Up - 25 reps

Snatches - 16kg bell - 100 reps

Swings - 24kg bell - 100 reps

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