Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fast & Furious, Snatches, Walking Presses & Core...

I got the following training from Ross Enamait's book - Infinite Intensity -( . It blends strength and conditioning work with explosive bodyweight exercise. After building fatigue with pull ups and swings, you must explode with plyometric push ups and knee tucks. I did three rounds and then mixed in some snatches, walking presses and core exercises.

My training looked like this:

Pull Ups - 10 reps
Snatch - 16kg bell - 10 reps each arm
Plyometric Push Ups - 10 reps
Knee Tucks - 10 reps

I did the above 3 times

Then I did:

Snatch - 16kg bell - 100 reps
Walking Press - 16kg bells - 10 reps @ 100 feet - 6 presses per rep - 60 presses

I finished with:

Spiderman Plan - 3 sets
Gladiator - 12kg bell - 3 sets of 30 seconds each side

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