Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Vo2max - First Attempt @ 36:36 - 12 Sets...

Today was my first attempt at the 36:36 protocol. There is a definite difference from the 15:15 protocol as your grip and strength wane a lot quicker and it was more difficult to regulate my breathing. Only having 36 seconds of rest after 36 seconds of snatching forces you to hone in your breathing skills. Thirty five sets is going to be a killer. I am planning on increasing my volume by 5 - 10% each workout with a few back off days depending on how I feel .

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 18 with each arm in 36 seconds with approximately 36 second rest between hand switch. I did 12 sets of 8 in 12 minutes and 12 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 12 sets of 18 - 216 reps


  1. Hey Rob congratulations on becoming an RKC, that's awesome. Quick question, when you do VWC 15 / 15 or 36 / 36, do you put the bell down during the rest, or do you hold it in the locked out position overhead? I seem to remember reading somewhere that it is to be kept locked out, overhead but I couldn't find it in the book anywhere. Maybe I'm just confusing it with something I read on a forum somewhere.

  2. Dean,

    Thanks! I have always put the bell down during the rest and we did just that at the RKC when we went through the 15:15. It would be alot tougher otherwise. I hope this helps.


  3. Thanks Rob, I tried it both ways and was able to double my amount of work by putting it down.
