Wednesday, April 29, 2009

VWC - Vo2max - 36:36 - 15 Sets of 18....

Today I decreased my volume by 25% from Sunday. I went from 20 sets of 18 to 15 sets of 18 in the 36:36 protocol. After the steady climb to 20 sets from 12 last week I needed a back off training session - enough to keep my training level static but also to give myself a break. The difficulty level from the 15:15 to the 36:36 is pronounced. Sets of 18 really sap your strength and grip.

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 18 with each arm in 36 seconds with approximately 36 second rest between hand switch.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 15 sets of 18 - 270 reps

I finished with 30 Deadlifts with the 40kg bell.

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