Thursday, May 21, 2009

Viking Push Presses....

I decided to see how many pull ups I could do at once before I started my training this morning. I got 25. They were pretty strict as I did not use momentum or kip at all and went very low. Good times!

Then I practiced some of the exercises from "Return of the Kettlebell"

My training looked like this:

Viking Push Press - 16kg bell - 25 reps each arm
Front raise Snatch - 12kg bell - 25 reps each arm
Side Raise Snatch - 12kg bell - 25 reps each arm

I finished with:

Double Viking Push Press - 16kg bells - 25 reps


  1. 25 pullups - that's a pretty good number I think. It's exactly the number I'm working towards with the chin-up.

    Anyone who can pull their bodyweight 25 times got my respect.

  2. If you can pull 25 reps in good form - why don't you go higher on your ladder days, or do weighted pullups. I'm just curius...?

  3. Probably could just have not thought about it. When I first started EKT a few years ago I did the ladders with the 24kg bell for pullups. Good suggestion.
