Friday, June 19, 2009

Day Off & Carb Up...

I am taking the day off from training today. The one arm incline presses with the 36kg bell yesterday killed me and tomorrow is my heavy day with the jerks - 32kg. Should be fun!

Also, today is the end of a two week low carb run that I went on to lean myself out. I am going to carb up from tonight until Sunday night. I did it specifically around Father's Day so I could enjoy myself. I should feel extra strong tomorrow for the 32kg jerks.


  1. Hi Rob,
    I just stopped in to check on your progress. Great news on Fabiana gettting her RKC, definitely an impressive achievement. Although I know you'd kill me with a kettle bell workout I wanted to give you a heads up that your little brother is down to 195lbs at 8% bodyfat. Hopefully I can steal your title as the most fit family member. (Not likely) Hope you have a great fathers day!


  2. Sean,

    Thanks for the comments. She is pumped and has been working hard to complete it. Good for you! I am trying to get to 175lbs @ 8%. I am about 165lbs right now. Have a great fathers day as well!

